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    Well, the store shelves are full of these, and I have to say the the new chocolate dipped ones are pure bliss!!!

    By the way, these cars are then sold by the manufacturers as “returned fleet” vehicles.

    About half of the Hertz fleet is short term lease cars. Don’t know which brands right now, but back in the day we would short term lease AMC and Chrysler products. I expect that they are simply sending these cars back or cancelling pending leases.

    This is so damn strange that if I had that kind of money laying around I would buy it in a minute. I always thought the Hornets were nice looking cars, and to have a “sleeper” like this would be the ultimate fantasy.

    Thanks for clarifying that. I will plan my next trip around it, assuming at this point that there will BE a next trip.

    Well, if it was sold in Europe, I expect that left hand drive was available. 

    YES! They rotate the cars from time to time. I believe that for an extra $5, you can roam through it on Saturday’s or Sunday’s, not sure which. I remember when I went there I missed it by one day, and was pretty pissed at myself. Jalopnik had done a couple of videos from there.

    As a former OTR driver, I’ve been saying this since we first started hearing about this. It’s gonna be a long, long while before this happens, certainly not in my lifetime.

    Today I heard a Kia commercial in which they offered deferred payments on new cars for 120 days, and existing Kia Finance customers a 30 day “skip your payment with no penalty” option. I thought that was a pretty savvy idea, and I expect other manufacturers will follow suit.


    I already made one comment, but now I’m making another, because I have been thinking about this all day (FU Corona Virus).

    Bought a 1012 GC Hemi last October and then found out about this problem. Since then, I disable the MDS every time I get into the car. This is easy to do, simply put it in “Sport” mode, in my case dropping the shifter down to “1" and then popping it back up to “6" and leaving it there. The car will then NOT go into

    Jeez. I just paid $13,000 for a 2012 Grand Cherokee, and I thought I got a pretty good deal. These are nice cars, and it would be a hoot to drive around looking good, but way overpriced.

    I don’t get all of the angst over the right hand steering wheel. When I drove in the UK, I rented a stick shift car and had no problem acclimating to it at all. We also have several right hand drive cars in our British Car Club, and I don’t know anyone has a bit of trouble switching from one car to the other. 


    Who the hell only invites married couples to their wedding? 

    Have you ever really looked at the people who run these rides? Seriously, IQ levels are probably off the charts (in the wrong direction).

    I read the write up on Bring a Trailer, and the car is “demolished” in the comments section. I don’t get it. I thought it was a nice example of a car that we still should be able to buy.

    A friend of mine just bought an old Escort wagon with a stick shift, totally rust free, runs like a clock, decent interior, for $500.

    Bought a 280ZX once. Car ran like hell, but was a total rust bucket. I used a LOT of POR15 and screen mesh on this car.