
I agree - there’s nothing wrong with a 30-year mortgage, especially if you have an income that varies within a range year to year. Honestly, IMO, if you don’t have the fiscal discipline to put extra money toward debt, you probably shouldn’t be buying a house in the first place. But what do I know? I’m one of those 3%

I’ve had the non-WiFi version for years. It’s merely suitable for a modern thermostat...and that’s being generous. The Honeywell’s interface is one of the least intuitive that you’ll find - it’s a pita to set up, especially if you need some of the advanced features in the super-secret-you-may-screw-up-your-AC-unit

I’ve had the non-WiFi version for years. It’s merely suitable for a modern thermostat...and that’s being generous.

The company I work for (oil and gas, which has taken a beating in the last year or two) has added a particularly nasty wrinkle into the evaluation process in the past few years. In addition to your standard annual evaluation, we are also given separate assessments on maximum level of achievement that can be obtained

Add to this that some companies and corporations require that you explain in detail any rationale for an extreme rating, in your example, a 4 or a 1. I’ve found that most managers are too lazy to even do that; hence, more 3's and 2's that don’t require any kind of justification, warranted or not.

Had my cat declawed at 6 months old. 17 years later, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t care or think about it. He’s led a safe, loved life where he hasn’t had to worry about any needs. Fair trade-off - I’d consider it myself if it were an option; however, that’s the important distinction. This is not a human. This is an