So she's basically like Dale Earnhardt Jr.
So she's basically like Dale Earnhardt Jr.
Man, I really wanted to like Puzzle Quest 2, but what made me a big fan of the first one was the range of environments, and the sense of travel/exploration that just wasn't done as well in part 2 imho. I think PQ 1 killed my PSP's battery lol.
It's kind of the same reason why I didn't dig Dragon Age 2 as much as the…
This is the same reason people should really stop bringing up Bill The Chin Cowher's name every time a head coach gets fired.
Interesting story, cool preparation, but I mean, again, Jalopnik is praising something extremely illegal and dangerous. If they all died or an innocent bystander died this would be a different story. You can't publish stories like this and not expect more people to do this. I'm thinking about doing it right now!