I was hoping this article would have a bit of a mention on remote D&D, over something like Discord or Roll20 (or both). I don’t mean everyone meets on Discord at a certain time, but asynchronous, like chess-by-mail.
I was hoping this article would have a bit of a mention on remote D&D, over something like Discord or Roll20 (or both). I don’t mean everyone meets on Discord at a certain time, but asynchronous, like chess-by-mail.
Knock-off Lego? You get what you pay for.
Knock-off Lego? You get what you pay for.
Love this. Our mantra for a long time has been “Keep doing what works, until it doesn’t anymore”. But that goes for the whole family, not just the baby. You’ve gotta make sure you’re not losing your mind keeping the baby happy and sleeping either.
It also has the best, most truthful tagline: I put that shit on everything.
It also has the best, most truthful tagline: I put that shit on everything.
My college alma mater’s tradition is for every fan at a football game to release a balloon after the first touchdown. Thousands of balloons, 9 times a year, for decades... eesh.
Neat ideas, but they’re all so expensive. I’ll have to stick to the old method of “hide 2/3 of the toys they have until they forget they have them”.
I wonder if a lot of people remembering how easy Red and Blue were played like I did - with all the free time most 10-year-olds do, you immediately grind your Pokemon to 15 levels above anything you’re encountering.
Is this the same problem that plagues Sherlock Holmes media? These stories have been told dozens of times to the point that their main selling points are now tropes to be avoided by others. The only time we pay attention to a Sherlock Holmes story is if it reinvents the formula in some way. I wonder if the same is…
Vote: Camera NX
ForecastAdvisor accuracy report is the hidden gem of this article. I’ve been wanting this data forever, I just didn’t think anyone was actually collecting it.
Why would you ever pre-order a games collection when you only know what 1/5 of the games are?
Why would you ever pre-order a games collection when you only know what 1/5 of the games are?
The stripe and solid patterns are also on sale, if gingham is not your thing.
The stripe and solid patterns are also on sale, if gingham is not your thing.
Didn’t these things get banned or something recently because they kept killing babies? Either because they’re choking hazards or constantly sucking on the amber poisoned them? Maybe people are just suing over them.
Yes I do that to my wife constantly. It drives her nuts when I come home and tell her “I heard today that <some cool piece of advice>” and she points out that she literally told me the same thing a week ago. I try to recover by saying it’s always good to have another source...
In the hospital where my kids were born, skin-to-skin was highly encouraged and my wife pushed hard for it. It was an hour or two before the baby even made it to the incubator unless there was a health reason to do it earlier. That’s where they got their first diaper, a brief wipe-down, and their first real exam.
The golden books are great for toddlers. I also have this book:
This challenges my existing feelings on educational apps, because I tend to prefer the ones with concrete “levels”. Things like Metamorphablet or Endless Reader. Spell a thing, click a button, and when the level has finished you’ve learned something!