James Doyle

Throwing away an empty toilet paper or paper towel roll is strictly forbidden in our household. Or at least, the kids think so... but after the 5th one is saved and decorated, we sneakily trash the rest. Saving junk can only go so far.

Dr Seuss had predicted this all along:

Welcome to Johnny Cab! Hell of a day, innit?

I’m surprised I haven’t seen more people talking about how a Godess of Death is an antagonist of a movie leading into Infinity War. Courting / Loving a physical embodiment of Death is kind of Thanos’s whole thing.

They’re actually at Target now for $3. I wonder which one is better quality. I have one of these from the same manufacturer, and it’s not the best. Not broken, but it doesn’t spin for 5 minutes like others might claim.

They’re actually at Target now for $3. I wonder which one is better quality. I have one of these from the same

I may be a minor use case, but a comment made on the Kickstarter mentions that the earbuds can only be used in “mono” mode on the right earbud. That makes this a non-starter for me. I like listening to mono or low-fidelity audio like Audiobooks or Podcasts using one earbud. Then when that inevitably dies too soon, I

I may be a minor use case, but a comment made on the Kickstarter mentions that the earbuds can only be used in

The lesson no one else seems to be learning is that even in Marvel, the standalone movies that spend too much time setting up the next movie are worse for it. Iron Man 2 is arguably the worst MCU movie because it had a plodding second act introducing an unnecessary Nick Fury and Black Widow.

I really, REALLY expected it. They set it up for that line. It makes me wonder if it wasn’t in the original cut but they removed it. I can’t decide if that makes me happy or sad.

Alton Brown once did a little experiment on Good Eats for thawing: cold water vs warm water vs cold water with a tiny tiny trickle running into the water bowl.

They posted a deal around the end of March. I ordered it and got an estimated delivery date of May 5, which changed after that to May 11, then removed the tracker altogether. That’s when I requested and got my refund.

They posted a deal around the end of March. I ordered it and got an estimated delivery date of May 5, which changed

Never received the $2 one you posted a couple of months ago. Now that I’ve finally got a refund, I’ll give this one a shot instead.

Never received the $2 one you posted a couple of months ago. Now that I’ve finally got a refund, I’ll give this one

The book seems very divisive. The vast majority of people seem to love it, but I wasn’t impressed. Great characters, an interesting overall story, but it felt like Shadow didn’t really do anything, just get dragged around from location to location. It’s a hard main character to follow, who just reacts to all this

That Photoshop Though...

That Photoshop Though...

OH. I get it now. I thought it was some jab at how amazing it is that a game is cross-released on Android and iOS.

So, I ordered one of these (probably from a different fly-by-night seller in a completely different department of Amazon) the last time you posted a $2 spinner....... still waiting for it. I ordered it at the end of March, expected delivery, May 5.

So, I ordered one of these (probably from a different fly-by-night seller in a completely different department of

I actually own the two-ear model from a different manufacturer, but I only use one ear at a time. It means I get the carrying case that charges them both, and when I’m listening on one ear, the other is charging - there’s never a point where I can’t have charging. I’d recommend that if you’re considering just the one

I actually own the two-ear model from a different manufacturer, but I only use one ear at a time. It means I get the

I have been meaning to try Alton Brown’s recipe for Popcorn Cheese Salt, of which Nutritional Yeast is a major component:

I really enjoyed Fuzzy Nation - a short, funny sci-fi courtroom drama. I’ve only read some of his Old Man’s War series and Fuzzy Nation, but liked them both.

One book I’m looking forward to in March is Pilot X by Tom Merritt:

Same alien/dinosaur/alien-dinosaur killing fun, except the weapons are even more bonkers. The Cerebral Bore, as mentioned in the article, shoots a tiny probe that heat seeks your enemy. It latches on to the back of their neck, sucks out a bunch of blood and/or brains in a giant fountain spurting from the Bore, then