James Doyle

I've worn watches almost my whole life. Basically if I owned a functional watch, I was wearing it. Not wearing one, I feel more naked than if I forgot my phone somewhere.

Yeah your use cases and mine line up pretty closely. Basically the watch is great when you're on the go. When you're sitting at a desk or on the couch and you have your phone within easy reach, a watch feels almost comically redundant.

My LG G Watch shines when I get no notifications that require interaction aside from Archiving or Dismissing. Calendar Appointments, Reminders, Sports Scores, Weather Alerts. These are all perfect on the watch.

There's no telling how long this will last, but for right now, if you click through a very brief slideshow extolling the virtues of PayPal Checkout, you'll get a choice of rewards at the end, including a $5 PayPal credit. That's free money! [ $5 PayPal Credit]

There are a ton of options for this kind of thing for MicroUSB. Here are two really cheap ones I've been thinking about snapping up:

There are a ton of options for this kind of thing for MicroUSB. Here are two really cheap ones I've been thinking

Wait wait wait. This online car dealer says the best time of the year to buy a car is the early part of August? Holy crap! It's early August right now! What a shocking coincidence!

The infographic says something pretty vague about the fact that it's "better for an engine to be turned off than turned on", which makes perfect sense. A non-moving machine will have less wear than a moving machine.

All the battery suckers, aside from the 3 games at the bottom, sound like some slap-dash garbage apps. So no surprise that they're not optimized for good battery use.

That's the question - is this across the country, or only in the southwest (hinted at by In-N-Out), where cost of living is higher than say, the upper midwest?

I heard that if you popped a slice of bread in the bag with your...

I found Net Worth on Mint to be a little less worthwhile after I imported investment accounts and a home loan. Instead my focus now is "Net Income". A handy month-to-month chart to see if you're spending more than you're making. That is a super-simple metric for me to be able to follow and know, on average, if I am

I used and loved Shush! for a while, and really enjoyed its design. However, the one thing I desperately miss is the ability to restore back to "Vibrate" mode only. Shush! seems to only let you set a volume.

It looks like this isn't true anymore? I was on the VIP feeds for Lifehacker and Giz, and now they're both truncated... possibly as of today. Also it seems like the main feeds are also truncated - at least the two links you posted here are truncated now.

I have tried the "hidden" RSS URL, and both my podcast app (Pocket Casts) and Google Reader's desktop webapp report "Invalid Podcast URL" or "No Feed Found". Something I'm doing wrong? Here is the URL I'm using:

I love this recipe, until I realized that when I clean up starred articles that I decided are no longer important (whether or not I read them), it doesn't clean up the corresponding Pocket articles.

I have the 1st-gen Sony Blu-Ray player. It's not even a very good Blu-Ray player (occasional stutters). The only thing that keeps me from breaking down and buying a Roku + Blu-Ray player + Harmony Remote is because I'm cheap and this MOSTLY does what I need.

I use Plex, which started as a fork of XMBC. You run a "server" app on your home server, and the client App on GTV can see all your content. It's not perfect, lacks polish, but is better than most home server apps I've seen prior to it.