
Fixed that for you.

It’s a reboot. No original Ghostbusters team existed.

Since we have Slimer, I’ll start crossing my fingers for the return of Ecto-Cooler.

I laughed so hard when my sister phoned to tell me he died cause there wasn’t a neurosurgeon to save him.

It’s not against the healthy foods movement, it’s against the pseudo-science alarmist movement.

It’s not pushing back against healthy eating, it’s pushing back against the bullshit, non-science based nonsense that idiots like the Food Babe focus on.

Has anyone cared about anything happening in the flashbacks this season?

I mean if you’re ordering a steak and cheese from Subway, I fucking hate you. Like, forever.

So just going off the headline, I wasn’t aware that people were concerned with video games causing sexism, as much as how much sexism is in video games.

As much as i appreciate the thought you've given the subject, i was really just making a joke about the incredibly stupid plot of Star Trek 5.

Here is a video of Jimmy Fallon singing "Barbara Ann" with five different (creepy) waxwork copies of himself

What a fucking dork you are, man...Social Justice Avengers. Adjust your hat, neckbeard, and venture forth from thy parent's basement. Breath that fresh air. Take a hit from your asthma inhaler. Now relax because it's just a comic book.