
Why would I say something intelligent in a conversation with you? That’s like driving a Porsche through a soap box derby.

Ah yes, yawning, that pure act of rage. What a fucking moron.

Yawn. We get it, you hate overly emotional women. Just talk to a fucking therapist, dude.


*completely misreads what is written, decides it something else*

Lol dude I didn’t say your life is miserable because you don’t like Legion (overly reductive bullshit I’d expect from you, I suppose), it’s your complete lack of understanding about art as anything but something literal that DEFINITELY means your life is fucking completely miserable.

If I did see art that would explain it to me, you’d be the first comment asking everyone to explain it to you.

Oh my god yawn. I get it. You think I’m overly emotional, and that your cold, dumbfuck reason reigns supreme, when it’s actually just ignorance. We fucking get it. You can stop explaining it.

You’re not too stupid to understand art. You’re willfully dense about it, so there’s really no point in answering your questions when they’re just setups to say “that does’t make sense” or “that’s just weird to be weird”

Yawn. Someone feels passionately about something that you’re too dense to understand, faux caring, fake trigger language bullshit, etc etc.

Like I said, it’s fucking pointless. Sorry you need things spelled out all the time, but here’s another one: I, much like this show, owe you literally zero explanations, and I am not about to sit here and EXPLAIN ART to you because if you haven’t absorbed it by BEING ALIVE, it’s not going to happen.

Visual art and metaphors aren’t weird for weirdness sake.

Yeah dude, I’m sorry you literally cannot grasp the concept of metaphor and/or visual art, but this show and life outside of hard, concrete answers in general don’t really sound like your thing.

Yup. It’s a show about mental illness and illusion and not knowing what’s real.

Sorry you missed out, but it’s literally NONE of those things. Nothing about this show is weird just to be weird.

Finally a reason besides price, app availability, upgradability and OS design to say no to macs!

To anyone thinking about doing this... just don’t. Really.

As soon as Kefka was released, I said, in order:

You really do type a lot for someone who misses literally every joke made.

Uh I mean they are literally rewriting history, through code.