
The Gifted, minus the adult Struckers: 10/10

Watched with an ex and now I highly recommend everyone who watches just doesn’t watch the last season and pretend the ending of season 5 is it, because that makes the show 100x more interesting and ends it on a Sopranos-ish note.

While I’ll reiterate all of the mexican food here is garbage, both of those mexican recommendations are outside of Seattle.

No, please DO drink raw water, because if you’re that fucking stupid and have that much money, we’re better off without you.

In WA where it’s also somewhat unclear and also an ounce, it’s basically per shop per day.

Don’t eat the mexican food, do eat the vietnamese food.

You don’t seem to understand that not being able to win a primary against entrenched interests has no relation to being able to win a national election.

Lol what? Do you not know how party nominations work?

She, and all moderate, uncharismatic democrats (Gore, Kerry), have always been deadenders.

Because they aren’t winning, they’re just not losing as hard as Republicans.

The words “news feed” are not necessary in this headline.

I too am looking forward to Moffat no longer being in charge of writing Doctor Who episodes.

Fake news

Nooooo now how will I be ignored by my government except by continuing to exist

Huh? She literally says exactly who he is and what he’s done, in great detail, right before she realizes he’s about to escape and then stuns him.

“When Princess Leia and Admiral Holdo both rebuked Poe Dameron for his reliance on insanely costly and self-destructive long-shot suicide missions as a method for winning a war against a much larger and infinitely more powerful adversary.”

Ah yes I’ll just limit my exposure to cell phones by going to... uh... err.... hmmm...

Who gives a shit? He can go ahead and not concede all the way through the entire time Jones is in the senate.

Well, now that he’s gone, it has the chance to be.

No, it is not.