
Also check your dates - September 1st - September 16th is accurate, but one is 2013 and one is 2015. You’re making it sound like it’s two WEEKS worth of users, not two YEARS.

What would be rude is asking the restaurant to do it for you. I don’t give a shit what my customers do with their food after I’ve handed it to them.

It’s absolutely not the source of pizza umami. Learn the basics, you basic motherfucker:

Whoa whoa whoa... you’re telling me bar density and noise complaints are... somehow... RELATED?!?!?!?!?!?!

Came here to say the EXACT same. I do not care about essentially any of the rest, but this is incredible.

I’d buy a vita tomorrow if it let me emulate ps2 games that will never be remastered for the Vita (LOOKING AT YOU SHADOW HEARTS SERIES)

#7 is huge. Not just for new TV shows, but for existing TV shows that have completely run out of ideas 3-4 seasons in.

Interesting. I far prefer the Mike seasons. Mike was, I believe, the head writer during the Joel years too, so I don’t think the humor shifted much. Mike’s just a better actor.

Honestly, if you were stupid enough to fall for it yesterday, you will be tomorrow.


I thought the same thing, especially about transit directions. Like... what.

Totally, man. Always be a dick. You’re almost too good at this.

I watched season 1. I had it on my list for picking up in season 2. So I downloaded it, readied it and...

Again, why does this matter for students over a cheap laptop? This, at best, puts it on par with a Chromebook and years behind a Windows 10 laptop.

Most of the article talks about how much better things are on the Pro? Also the Pro is the only one that gets the Pencil.

This fat man thanks you and those like you.

Yes, the most expensive iPad in history is definitely made for students.

...do you really think that wasn’t intentional?

So let me get this straight: