They come in illegally from Indiana, you fucking putz. Go unfasten your lips from Sarah Huckabee’s lowest hanging teat.
They come in illegally from Indiana, you fucking putz. Go unfasten your lips from Sarah Huckabee’s lowest hanging teat.
“Nothing can be done,” says only country where this regularly happens.
GLHF, where the tournament was held, is one of my favorite bars in town and run by just the best folks. This is so awful :(
Autumn Jackson, who was sent to prison for claiming to be Bill Cosby’s daughter from the wrong side of the blanket, is in fact, his daughter.
I remember a friend of a friend had this issue, until he finally called the cops after she gave him a suicide threat. He was like “Well, if you’re going to kill yourself, then I need to call some professional help in.” After that she stopped.
Regarding letter #2, I was in that sort of situation, with the ex threatening suicide every time I tried to break up with her.
Once I was at the Laemmle Sunset 5 to watch something...maybe a Nicole Holofcener movie? Sounds plausible. Anyway I was waiting for the movie to start when the door to the theater opened. There were like 30 people there, so the door had opened many times. It was also 180 degrees behind me. Lord knows why, when…
typo— Fixed it.
I’m going to be blunt. It seems like Azealia Banks has some sort of untreated/unmanaged mental illness, and I hope she gets the help she needs.
As an unwilling constituent of Mr. Hunter’s extremely gerrymandered district which he was essentially gifted due to having his fathers name, all I have to say is: Good Riddance you Fucking Fuckface. Fuck You.
We get it, you steal campaign funds.
OMG it’s Canadian Tire....I grew up in Canada but live in the States. This melts my heart.
As a fellow tall lady primarily made up by legs, I feel your pain very deeply and personally.
All Omarosa had to do to shut down the dumb’s ones wife was ask this:
Yeah, it’s sort of like the “just obey the law,” arguments that people make before cops kill a PoC. We all know nobody makes those arguments, right? /s
“I’m going to wring his neck. What he was doing up there with only flip-flops, I have no idea.”
In Canada, we had Smarties blizzards instead of M&Ms and it was the only flavour I ate for the majority of my life so far. I'm talking ages 6-26, and if it wasn't a Smarties one it was because we were somewhere that didn't have Smarties, like the US.