
Love that analogy. Mind if I steal it in the future? ;)

Some people have way too much time on their hands. Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to get back to drinking my gin and tonic and commenting on internet articles.

So guys. Personal story time. As it turns out, my husband and I are in therapy because he turned into a real solid dickbag last year and....well, anyway. The point is that a lot of our unhealthy dynamic centers around the fact that he is severely passive aggressive.

That lady should show up tomorrow in a burqa and see what happens.

You forgot the ketchup. How could you forget the ketchup? If you don’t add ketchup, you won’t become classy, like me. : )


Ntm, “IKEA” itself is pronounced quite differently in different countries. For example, eye-key-ah here in the States, but ee-kay-ah in Germany. :)

Yeah he’s going through all this inner conflict she probably doesn’t even like him that way.

I was kinda thinking the same thing, except that maybe he’s a perpetual denial sort of guy who will still be thinking “any day now she’s going to see the light and dump him for me!” on her 10th wedding anniversary.

You’re too dense to understand what he’s doing. He is doing something that you, for all your sanctimonious self righteousness, are incapable of doing: having some empathy with what that person’s thought process and communicating in a manner that he will understand.

We’ll burn me at the stake and call me Char-lie. I can’t stand it. It doesn’t taste like soap, it tastes like cilantro. And cilantro is gross. Yuck.

I remember hearing about a psychological study that exposed people’s irrational decisions when it comes to shopping, bargains, sales, etc.

In a way, you can say that the makers of the movie catfished us, heh?

I don’t get them either. I do get “throat freezes” though, a terrible pain in my throat when I suck down a margarita or other slushy drink too fast. My whole life, I thought other people got the same throat discomfort and just called it “brain” freeze for lack of a better term, but my wife assured it me is actually a

I think that’s also why the rainforest plants are good... no light!

I think we should all take a moment, gather our thoughts, and immediately start jumping to conclusions using whatever stereotypes come to mind. Considering it’s a nice day out let’s also engage in a pointlessly hostile debate on gun control.

And use some cream cheese and sour cream for the ultimate, yet heart stopping, mashers!

I feel the same way, but I give people with cats a pass.

I can support people of any political persuasion. The one thing I will not do is tolerate those dingleberries who roll the paper under.