Sorry, but this is not unnerving, and I don’t see how it could change your “understanding of spirits and what the hell they’re up to.”
Sorry, but this is not unnerving, and I don’t see how it could change your “understanding of spirits and what the hell they’re up to.”
Someone in the Kinjaverse referred to that pose that’s featured on the posters as “Taylor hot-mic-ing a fart”, and now I can’t un-see it.
Okay, this is the first story that’s actually freaked me out this year. Well done! 😁
The downfall of this show has always been its scripts. Great actors and great acting, great sets and costumes, great special effects, great fight scenes.
Midnight Mass is the best thing I’ve seen in years, and it’s not even close.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 😶
I know of a couple who did, but I never heard their reasons first-hand. The gossip was that if they actually divorced, the house would need to be sold and the proceeds split. Thus, the person living in the house didn’t want to to start proceedings, and person happily living with their new sweetie didn’t care.
I did this once. It’s not as painful as you’re hoping.
I’m kind of surprised Rush hasn’t turned in up in more films and shows. They always have done atmospherics well.
This is the way. Nice and ethical.
Because she’s a woman, and a strong-willed one.
Going by the promo for the first company I found that advertises this: It would take approximately 10 hours to generate one kWh of power, which costs about 10 cents where I live.
I look forward to getting back to having no idea who this guy is.
This is also gluten-free cheese sauce.
He’s seen the carnage that self-tanner can wreak, and he’s sworn to break the cycle.
He shows exactly as much real emotion as his mother does.
I’m pretty sure Melania has not had any other objective since she met Donald. She apparently gets along well with her husband, but she also seems exquisitely clear on why she’s with him.
The Sea Beast is very, very good.
I think you rely on the lime juice dissolving a small amount of salt down into the can, so really it’s a waste of salt, not an overabundance of salt (in the part you drink).
True, but lemon juice (bottled) and baking soda are things I already have in my pantry, which makes it much more likely I’ll try this.