
I was astonished at all the Crossfit orphans out in the parks at the start of the pandemic, trying to keep up the fitness levels they’d worked so hard for now that they couldn’t go to the gym.

I would like to eat less meat, because I empathize with animals, but I also have a lot of food intolerances, and veggie burgers just have so much ~stuff~ mixed into them that I can almost never eat them (for example, I can’t do the oats or nuts here).

Yes, I knew someone with a chihuahua mix that was allowed to get away with behaviours that would be terrifying if a large dog were doing it.

I do not need to display my books like a sophisticated adult, for sophistication is simply money, and my money buys hardcovers now, and the dust jackets are sophisticated for me. Tra-la-la.

As the germ (the little sprout thing in the middle) ages and turns green, it becomes bitter...

I’ve heard one trick is to turn your shower on cold, then turn your stove’s fan on.

Look into how many Tesla factory workers have been injured because Elon Musk doesn’t give a rat’s ass about not using human beings as fodder for his ego.

Black Panther is a f’ing awesome example of the sort of movie it was trying to be.

Soft tofu + Bulgarian Feta (i.e. super-sharp feta) + jalapeno + salt

I do not believe mouthwash can stop the appearance of a bruise.

My university built a new library and then had to make alternate arrangements because the architect had failed to account for the fact that books are f’ing heavy.

If you want a good training schedule to get up to 10km, google “Sun Run training schedule” and look at what the Vancouver Sun newspaper has put out for their annual run.

Spouse is a cuddler (even while sound asleep), and I’m one of those people who can’t seem to generate enough body heat unassisted, so one bed works out great for both of us.

If you’re looking for gluten-free doughnuts, try mochi doughnuts:

Yeah, I’d skip the trolling and just leave it in a ditch alongside some road I normally drive on. Lots of plausible deniability, and no tracker on my car.

Related adorableness (different guy, but Guillermo del Toro has confirmed this story is true):

Since a lot of these are cheese+carbs, as is right and proper, I would add:

Once made the mistake of going on a “light” hike with a hardcore outdoorsy person. Their definition of “light” (climbing a small mountain) didn’t match mine (I cycled to work daily and thought I was in shape), and it took a solid week before I woke up and there was no more pain.

If that’s the case, you might’ve been able to control the problem by watering around your home more aggressively (if you’re living somewhere that you have any control over how that).

I was just thinking this too. I’ve read that 5mg is approximately what you get from one toke, and it’s a good place to start for beginners.