The “environmentalists” used climate destroying, polluting spray paint to protest pollution. These are some magnificent idiots.
The “environmentalists” used climate destroying, polluting spray paint to protest pollution. These are some magnificent idiots.
I hate Apple but they still control the market narrative for what’s important in phones and personal computers. Shit they even convinced people to this day that their boneheaded “bump” hardware design was somehow a benefit instead of a compromise to create a solution no one asked for, and other companies started…
Another political piece on what used to be a great car site. No matter what your politics are this used to be a place people could come together and read about cars. Now most articles are divisive clickbait. Erin you seem to miss the point of this site and aren't welcome here.
This article is trash. Jalopnik used to be the place to go to get unbiased and informative car news. Sad to see that you all just waste your weekends trawling local news websites for Tesla crashes now.
It’s Amazing How Little Trump Did For Infrastructure
Because the people who read this site aren’t who driverless cars are for - they are for the people who get literally 0 pleasure from driving, view it as a chore, view cars as appliances, and would never drive again if they were able. That’s exactly who I want a computer driving for. I wouldn’t want a person who didn’t…
Michelins is universal language for “I took care of my ride.”
Boomer Motor Works
Came here to make this very point.
It sounds pretty fucking reckless to prioritize voting over giving birth. I feel sorry for the child.
Man who writes about things that destroy the environment bitches about company that fuels them. Film at 11.
Jalopnik: “Drive green or die.”
If BP can make money now, in the midst of the pandemic, with gas as cheap as it is, I am at a loss.
Sports cars aren’t just about speed and performance. The driving experience is far more important to me than number on paper. I want to feel connected with a car, and feel that a manual transmission is necessary to do so. My truck is automatic and I’m alright with that. The truck is an appliance, not a toy.
The left wing politics killed this place.
Let’s be honest, you’re not reaching out to every automaker that has a customer with wheel alignment issues, has fallen asleep at the wheel, or has defective panoramic roofs. Your reaching out to Tesla because a response from them would be clickworthy for you. Most of your email requests are of the un-slick tone...…
This is absolutely true. There’s no way that auto manufacturers can take Jalopnik, as a automotive website, seriously anymore. The hot takes, personal bias, and political rants of some of the few who have stayed have dragged this website down. If I was Tesla, I’d tell Jalopnik to go pound sand too. Heck, Nissan gave…
Maybe if you quit joking around and sent them serious questions they might respond?