“incredibly disrespectful”. The only respect you are owed is the respect you earn. This was a bad idea, but don’t frame it as, “he’s the President, you must respect him.”
“incredibly disrespectful”. The only respect you are owed is the respect you earn. This was a bad idea, but don’t frame it as, “he’s the President, you must respect him.”
This is good stuff. As someone who is fascinated by horse racing but largely ignorant to the details of its ins-and-outs, this is enormously compelling. Thanks for this.
Depends what you mean. Smashed sesamoids were always ugly. Anything where the leg was shattered and the horse tried to stand up on it and then went down again. But catastrophic injuries usually put the horse into shock right away. A bad bowed tendon seems to cause them more pain.
Thank you for writing about eating disorders. Men suffer, too, but don’t get the support they need (see the immature comments already posted). Food is a fucking tough addiction because you literally cannot live without it.
Dude, he literally ran and hid behind the official. Oubre is a twig of a man. Just concede that Olynyk is a dirty player but you still like him because Boston and we can have an honest conversation.
Eat shit
It’s funny that one of these guys hid his shove behind a play-act of basketball and then ran to the ref to complain about a whistle, while the other one came straight at him and did not pretend to be doing anything other than shoving a motherfucker, and you think the one who did not bother to hide behind the rules…
Yeah, but that person in last place is never helped by a blue shell.
I’ve come to see it a necessity for balance, even if it’s really annoying especially when playing single player.
They mostly just get combined as violence against women. (And because any guy who hits a women at a bar is at extremely high risk of committing both) Most people who talk about this recognize that there’s something especially bad about the problem and domestic violence and figuring out how to better help victims.
Everything’s bigger in Texas, except for the penises, apparently.
This Mom seems really sweet though from her post. The son is the jerk for yelling at her.
After getting hammered on another thread, I want to reiterate that United does not have the unilateral right to kick someone off the plane. They have incredibly broad powers, but they can’t just kick you off.
They really don’t care about us. Democrats, Republicans, and whatever else they call themselves. Obamas, Hillaries, Trumps, and everyone else. They only care about power and more power. Some are better, some are worst but in the end it is all the same. They make us fight amongst ourselves, Black vs White, Straight vs…
I feel totally sorry for the mother. If you’re grown up enough to move out, you’re grown up enough to either organize your shit into clearly labelled boxes or to take it with you. This brat should thank his mom, he apparently forgot he owned a $5,000 card.
“Slave cabin? Um, I think you mean On-Premise Worker Habitat.”
I feel a bit sorry for the mother, sounds like she was just trying to clean up her place.
ACL tears are common in soccer. I’m guessing the reason they’re not more common in tennis is the consistent playing surface. Clay allows the players to slide into shots. There is no planting into the turf (which gets progressively more choppy during a game) with studs, and twisting, like in soccer. You do see more…
Jesus. That an onion. I hope him well in his life journey with MS.
i spent a decade of my life working on the backstretch of a racetrack and have seen every awful injury a horse can suffer (and Barbaro’s were epically bad). I think you may be onto something but perhaps not for the reason you think.