
Wow other people enjoying a thing you don’t really ruffles your feathers. I bet you’re fun at parties. And if you don’t think parents with children are a main demographic for Nintendo or that parents with kids isn’t a norm for Nintendo then you’re delusional as well.

Might want to finish the video, at 2:20 - 2:40 he does put cones at the top and goes to close the road. Or maybe read the string of posts and replies above in regards to another quick witted commentor with a hot take who didn’t finish the video either and said the exact same thing.

You sound fun!!! Maybe your and your pal Dick can go bird hunting sometime.

This comment needs more love. I’d star it twice if I could

Yeah I think Joe read the whole thing, as did myself and about 50 intelligent commenters. The article is pure click bait at the expense of someone no longer in the public eye and obviously suffering from either substance abuse mental illness or both.

Very true , I immediately thought of Len when this happened. . . Time will hopefully be kind to Jose’s legacy; people generally give a bit more leeway to public figures who die young even if the circumstances become complicated.

I’ve never seen a really good team built by tanking multiple seasons... There’s enough volatility in the draft that the supposed benifit of having multiple great players on rookie contracts never materializes for long enough for them to succeed in that matter. At best you end up developing talent that escapes in free

It should be... Each day should bring her to the brink of suicide... The only positve aspect of her existence is as a warning to others. Besides that she doesn't deserve the air she breathes. Good for the family for forgiving her, and I hope they find peace in that, but she, like these street racers should be