“They don’t want to eat the fish, but they do want to make it late for something.” RIP Mitch Hedberg
“They don’t want to eat the fish, but they do want to make it late for something.” RIP Mitch Hedberg
My guess: The axles being locked to each other means that the system has more rotational inertia and thus resists locking up. Even if the front wheels want to lock up, the rear wheels which aren’t receiving as much brake are still providing momentum. It’s like putting weaker brakes on the front (or heavier wheels) in…
starred on “first ex wife”
Looked quickly, thought it was a Zombie Asshat Hatch.
I had imagined kids bundled into saddlebags and a backpack.
if you name your ride after pugilism, you bound to get hit.
Toronto, near the East Coast, eh?
Anyone else read the headline and think he died? Should’ve gone with ‘Past 24 Hours’.
Exactly. The article presumes everyone works in an office building. Granted, those who can get away with wearing shorts at work are not likely their target audience. For instance, not many lifeguards or UPS delivery drivers sit in front of a computer all day, taking the occasional break to read lifehacker. No, mostly…
In America, we use words like “grit” to describe players who are willing to get dirty and like “captain” for those who will do anything for their teammates.
Did you see proof of ownership? He could be a stalker, repo man etc.
This is what every MMA fight looks like to me.
The name Brock Olivo sounds like one of those relationship mashups names (Bennifer, Brangelina) if Brocolli was fucking Tivo
You’re kind of a wimp, huh?
Finally, I can Smoke on the Water
Finally, I can Smoke on the Water
An ice rink is not a field!
Personally, I’d hurl myself into a volcano to avoid having to touch a Macbook ever again.
Personally, I’d hurl myself into a volcano to avoid having to touch a Macbook ever again.
That's sweet of you. I hope you experience poverty.