JJ Black

You work in an industry whose core market segment is 12-year-old boys, most of whom have minimal parental guidance. Just ignore it.

Francis is 500 pounds due to being a no control having fat ass slob. He doesn't deserve all of this attention. I know plenty of people who went through those things on top of being poor and didn't become Jabba. Gamer of the year should be someone good at games or someone who has done something worthwhile for gamers.

My nomination may not be as poignant as other's nominees.
But I vote for TheRadBrad.
Probably the coolest gamer on YT.
He keeps his commentary real and doesn't 'act' in his videos, yet he somehow makes the best and most clever funny 80s referencing jokes ever. Lighthearted dude.
If your subscribed to him you will know

I vote for this guy

So sick of Francis. The idea that an IRL Cartman could make bullies not bully is bollocks. He perpetuates the stereotype as Francis way more than he breaks it by revealing "oh ho, it's just a character". I'm calling bullshit on being fat and angry and calling it an agenda for change.

I nominate pewdiepie.

Now playing

I'd nominate James Portnow, I mean take a look at what he's doing at the moment in education and check out his video with Extra Credits on game compulsion...

Lack of professional photography doesn't seem to put a damper on other forms of porn. At least not according to the informal poll I just conducted in my browser history.

Well, he certainly keyboards like a pro!

They entered the shop through the front door.......they had no idea what they were in for. Now they're staring at six men with guns drawn......it was a fucking ambush. This was a fucking bomb dropping on this dinky little ramen shop. For a few seconds this place was armageddon. aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH

Dinner party at the Marchman estate! We'll be serving brown rice and unsweetened green tea, and for entertainment we will sit in the dark and listen to a recording of a light drizzle on the rooftops of Bethesda, Maryland!