Oh absolutely, that’s why I loved it. Bloodborne’s mechanics allow for some amazing close calls, as well as some weird glitches. It’s cool to see someone break it down with a sense of humor.
Oh absolutely, that’s why I loved it. Bloodborne’s mechanics allow for some amazing close calls, as well as some weird glitches. It’s cool to see someone break it down with a sense of humor.
Eep! That’s what I get for not paying attention.
I love this so, so much.
The game is good and deserves coverage. Kotaku’s coverage of it is shit. Definitely make sure you put your anger in the right place.
This is actually the 2nd article about this subject. They covered it already in one of the highlight reels, I believe.
Ugh, it was hard enough getting them to write my name before this campaign. You try being named "Race Together", have your wildest dream of having your name correct on a Starbucks cup come true, and then snatched away from you.
"toss a hole"
What the actual fuck. That's how you respond to that? Maybe take your own advice and keep your opinions to yourself.
Why the flip isn't Amnesia on this list?
I've never met someone so diametrically opposed to the anime that I fell in love with completely and utterly. Terror in Resonance was flawed, to be sure, but I really felt like it was one of the most compelling and beautifully executed shows in a really long time.
Falcon Lover, is that you?
"to see if major publications have highlighted the Kickstarter you're thinking about funding"
After digging around I'm pretty sure Webdriver Torso is some Adult Swim promotional thing. It's just waiting to reveal itself.
1) The Behind the Scenes looks better than the actual feature
Hotlinking to 4chan in the Kotaku comments section. Awesome.
"Ps; I hate people who jump on bandwagon hype and jump in the middle of a series."
This was not funny.
I wonder if Mark Meer has seen the Mass Effect Gamer Poops?