JJ Black

Came here to post this. I think the author of this article has forgotten that the most vocal assholes are immature little teen / preteen shits. I don't have a lot of friends now, in my early thirties, that feel necessary to give out death threats on the internet over a game.

10000x this. Was utterly disappointed the other Prophecy movies didn't have Morensen in them. He stole the show.

Markiplier is usually pretty hilarious. I had a whole new perspective on him after watching his "Draw My Life" video. It was touching.

This x10000. In terms of intelligence and insight and just overall general interestingness, Extra Credits wins hands down. I can barely stand to look at the people in Kotaku's list, let alone give a shit about them.

This is the best meme. I love doge, but I will always love moonmoon more forever. He did a thing!

Now playing

What about Taye Diggs? My Ebony North Star?

i love you for this. i hope that's not weird.


Will there be Direwolves? Girls dressed up as sexy Direwolves? I won't watch it without Direwolves.

Is it OK to be tired of everyone talking about this? In general? I'm starting to unfollow blogs because of their constant flogging of this and other shows like Breaking Bad and Walking Dead. We get it : you like TV. Maybe you could split off talking about it into some compartment that doesn't end up in my RSS reader?