
Paddington Station?

It’s a cottage industry *shrug*

K, i have to respectfully disagree about the justification to neutralize the Saviors prior to them being an immediate threat. The Alexandria people have run into them before (the road block where Daryl took them out with a bazooka) and they’ve seen first hand what the Saviors have done, when they went to Hilltop (the

Oh, c’mon, there’s gotta be a single American explanation for this. I have a hard time believing that CVS employees camemberass the company to this extent.

You’ve gouda be kidding me.

I’ve wasted my life

Finally Dr Cox is going to put his rage to good use

Speak for yourself!

You can’t spell Caucasian without Asian.

“I was being avoided. I was being pushed out. I was being ignored. So awkward.” Chandler continued, “I mean, could I be any more spurned?”

Bromeo and Jeahliet

I’d save his life.

I’d save his life.

This is one of the best things I’ve ever seen

Nostalgia - it’s delicate, but potent. Teddy told me that in Greek, “nostalgia” literally means “the pain from an old wound.” It’s a twinge in your heart far more powerful than memory alone.

Now playing

Teddy told me that Nostalgia in Greek means literally, “The Pain from an Old Wound”... that twinge in your heart, the longing to go back to that place....where we are loved....

It’s like every person you hate assembling to form an Asshole Voltron.