
No. The world needs laughter.

So this is a weird thing that happened in the ‘You may also like’ section...

+1 for the angel reference.

The really terrifying snakes were on Planet Earth II last night. 🐍🐍🐍

“Is there any place more fun to be than a Trump rally?”

Being the Dark Knight is backbreaking work.

Another picture of my little gentleman, Ser Davos, as “Peggy Confides in Me”. I was “Alexander Hamilton after the Duel”. Next we are going to be species-swapped Beauty and the Beast.

Damn right like the dinosaurs had!

Fact: Trump Pence is an anagram for “Mr. Cunt Peep.”

I was surprised by the odd Goonies cameo and product placement.

The movie wasn’t a success. It was a flop when it was released. It wasn’t a “success” until it became an audience participation event at the Waverly Theater in 1976. And even then, it was far from a success by the metrics of such things. It’s a success in the same way that National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is

One of our parenting strategies is called “The Biden.” If I need Mr. Atom to back me up on something, like YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST GO TO BED NOW, he will roll up behind me like Biden at a serious presser.

I miss them already you guys

“Welcome to the park. We have a wide choice of themed worlds — Westworld, Westeros World, North by Northwest World, West Point World ...”

The house where I grew up was pretty new - way newer than any of the other houses on the block. A typical one-story ranch house that you might see in any stretch of American suburbia. Likewise, all the furniture in the house was pretty par for the course. My room had a little-kid bed, a nightstand, a table and chairs