
Then you better hope to christ that no Russians get near it

In a film about Ant-Man, which was risky on its own.

My guess is that Wright didn’t want the Falcon fight and wanted something else. Marvel kept doing script rewrites trying to put it in and Wright was like “this is not my movie anymore”. The Falcon fight is pretty obviously not something that would have been in Wright’s original vision, considering he initially wrote

Edgar Wright removed himself by not committing to the project.

While reading this article, I was literally thinking “maybe it was Wright’s fault after all” which led me to the conclusion that perhaps I shouldn’t waste my time deciding who’s to blame or why he left or got fired when I really have no clue what went on.

I don’t think removing someone who is unwilling to compromise for the sake of the larger universe is necessarily safe...it’s just keeping the eyes on the prize.

How many years had he been working on Ant-Man? It was since well before Iron Man, wasn’t it? I love Wright’s stuff but his movie was never going to be finished, and the fact that it sounds he fought with them over having connections to the larger universe makes me glad they moved on. Continuity is literally a core

I think we can blame Perlmutter for this one.

We don’t really have any details about that, it could be a mutual agreement for him to leave, he could be a pain in the ass to work with, or the movie could simply suck. All we know is that he left and we got a great Ant-Man movie with another director.
So no real loss in my opinion.

Gawker died for this!

Gendry and Arya.

He’s had it with these motherfucking snakes in this motherfucking debate.

Kill Rick. Kill Corallll!. Put Negan in charge of everyone. And now you have an interesting show.

My best friend and I were in the parking lot of a church (we attended his great-uncle’s funeral) when he dared me to sneeze on his deceased’s face. My friend absolutely loathed his uncle, and for good reason. But he’d promised to briefly attend the service and not make a scene, so he wanted one last posthumous dig

I said up... Not off

Fallon lost me. Even before the Trump thing. I’m so over his Neil Young impersonation. Neil is such a great sport about it, but the last time he was on Fallon, they sang “Old Man” together - while Fallon was impersonating Neil. It was so awkward! It’s like Fallon desperately wants to be Neil Young, and it’s beyond

I wish I had a camera focused solely on The Roots during that tongue bath.

It’s the long game, needs celebrity mean tweet or lip synch participants in 2019

C’mon, that’s easy:

If you’re going to fail, fail spectacularly so people remember you.