
I am glad. While he was ... not good as the lead on his own show, I though Danny worked well as the comic relief sidekick to Luke on The Defenders. I thought it spoke well to Luke that he recognized Danny’s good intentions and tolerated him, even though he got on his nerves.

Would love to see an Agent Carter movie on Netflix, if nothing else to wrap up the season 2 cliffhanger. Great show that just got better as it went along!

This headline makes no sense. Why are we praying that Vin Diesel is driven insane?

2012, Humble Bundle V. I had stopped playing games for a few years, thought I would give this a try. I got Braid, Limbo, Super Meat Boy, and Bastion among others. Those 4 games 100% brought me back into gaming and a now 488 game strong Steam library.

I agree with the general point (a lot of indie games have pretty lazy retro-style graphics) but... The Binding of Isaac? “Bland” is the last word I would use to describe its art. The art was done by the game’s creator, Ed McMillen, in a style he’d established with his previous games and Flash movies.

On the whole, I’m okay with pretentiousness (or at least willing to ignore it when the game speaks better than the creator ever can), but that quote was just absurd. You made a fairly excellent game that was hugely influential on the entire medium, pretty much entirely for the better. You can indulge in a little ego.

For a period I reviewed christian music for a few sites. Some of the folks involved had been around and in Christian music for decades. I’m from Canada, so quite far removed from any of the Nash-Vegas or CCM industry shit.


Jesus Freak and Supernatural have their awful moments, but they’re impeccably performed and produced with some stand-out tracks. Some awful stuff though. I still spin them both every now and then.

I’m still not into their second or third albums, but for my money: Who We Are Instead and Good Monsters are fucking fantastic. Jars of Clay had crossover appeal with their first album; Flood did well on MTV. I’ve heard singles here and there quite regularly. But, seriously, “Work” and “Dead Man” kill it.

It’s a

Funny you should say that because I’m listening to “Oh My God” as we speak. I was looking at the track listing for that record and remembered that one was my favorite and had to give it a listen. I’m with you that the downtempo, minor key stuff is their best by a lot.

The self-titled album doesn’t really hold up anymore I don’t think, but Much Afraid definitely does. “Frail” and “Sad Clown” from If I Left the Zoo are my two favorite Jars of Clay songs.

I was really into the second(?) Caedmon’s Call album, but haven’t really followed Webb’s solo career. I wasn’t aware that he moved away from his faith and cheated on/divorced his wife. That’s sad to hear.

B/c it’s my personal agenda, I’ll suggest maybe something you haven’t heard. The Jesus Record, recorded on tape as demos literally weeks before he died. The extremely lo-fi recordings strip the songs down to his poetry and musicianship. Beautiful honest reflections on Jesus from a personal perspective, that wouldn’t

Julien Baker and Torres would also be excellent inclusions on the Darnielle/Sufjan spectrum of things.

Steve Taylor. He’s always operated just outside the acceptable limits of what CCM as an industry will put up with (for one thing, he’s often satirical, a literary tactic completely lost on most K-Love listeners). He kept popping into my mind when I read about Norman’s personality above. His sense of humor is very

Not sure if this book review will get enough clicks to make it worthwhile, but I want to start a thread for people to share “Christian Rock” bands that don’t suck. I’ll start with a mega-selling artist who doesn’t get enough respect for doing their own thing, Jars of Clay. Their second and third albums in particular

Genuinely curious how ABC will handle further Ryan Seacrest allegations coming to light.

Oh AV Club... I’ve heard that last mentioned in the TV series Everything Sucks... and before then... I don’t recall.

I’m with you. It’s one of my favorite albums of all time. I would say that Historical Conquests has grown to nearly that stature, and although I was really disappointed by So Runs the World Away when it was first released, it has really grown on me, too. “The Curse” and “Another New World” are two of the best songs