
A green fairy (if you know what I’m saying.)

Have you SEEN SETI’s chosen band pass? It’s based on the opacity of the night sky and some numerology based on water! IT’S INSANE!

Hint: not even IN the partial caption photo.

I don’t see Princess Leia here.

All pokemon go collisions are low-speed, under 30mph. The same can’t be said for texting.

If only he published anything during his lifetime.

Clearly it needs to be a horse with an internet-sourced name.


Can anyone say “carbonara?”

SHE should be on the $20.

Hope that 3 months after, it’ll be hacked? That’s basically a jinx.

Seems to me that RELIGION is the cause of much of the violence seen on Earth, NOT entertainment.

Kitchen scale or get out of the game.

The irony of your statement is poetic.

RDR is best GTA.

Screw the sequel; I didn’t even like the coda gameplay.

This concept will only be remotely feasible if each deorbiter satellite had multiple cleaning charges and enough dV to rendezvous with several dead satellites before terminating its own mission.

I’d love to see this at AGDQ17.

“Hardcore raiding schedules turn an otherwise unproductive “leisure” activity into a competitive sport”

Las Vegas Irony.