
And yet, Apple uses this tactic as a reason to not take your phone to “unauthorized” repair shops... basically places that don’t want to pay for Apple’s ridiculous repair program and have to charge and arm and a leg to their customers. “We can’t control what unauthorized dealers do to your phone”... and yet they are

100% this! You don’t need to go balls to the wall if your body is under the weather (or however you’re feeling). Seriously, it is ok to take a break. I can’t stand the Tylenol/Advil commercials that encourage you to work through the pain/cold/flu symptoms. You have one body, DON’T ABUSE IT. It it literally ok and

1985. My boyfriend at the time and I were pragmatic—he told me what he wanted (a very specific, expensive-for-me pinkie ring) and I told him what I wanted (a record player). He got me a turntable. No speakers. No needle. JUST A TURNTABLE. When I asked him how I was supposed to listen to records without speakers or a

Christmas in Afghanistan. I had just turned 26a week prior. I had an unquenchable thirst and was peeing every hour. Turns out, I had undiagnosed Type 1 Diabetes. MEDEVACd home and have been fighting the VA for almost ten years now.

Happy Birthmas.

So with all these worker shortages, have they considered offering higher wages? Or is that lib-rul hippie commie nonsense?

My exact reaction to this article, which I was sure was going to be a slideshow of what they consider “distasteful”.

The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend.

You’re new here?


I use discrete variables discreetly ;) 

So the advice here is:

If I were trying to make an actual point I would probably look at polling on concrete policies and issues. “Capitalism” and “socialism” have real meanings, but for a lot of people it boils down to “Capitalism is when you work for a living, socialism is government handouts.” It’s not a useful question to ask.

Mel Brooks is a comedic God but it would be interesting to see how he squares his love of completely coming up to third rails of offensive subjects and then hoping back and forth them over and over again in today’s environment. 

Spaceballs was all about the Search for More Money.

Call it recency bias, but a lot of important stuff has happened in these last 200 years for an eight-episode variety show to cover all of it.

She’s obviously on a highway to hell.

This guy gets it!

You know those are Judas Priest songs, right?

Good because you could have been The Unforgiven. 

Well it that case she would have had Another Thing Comin’.