My ex was a rather large man and a krav maga instructor. He also trained me and taught me some moves.
My ex was a rather large man and a krav maga instructor. He also trained me and taught me some moves.
Hey, what’s the thing people are hyped up for in The Flash movie, starring, The Flash, which is all about The Flash?
I think it’s hilarious that Michael Keaton’s Batman is older and presumably wiser, yet still rocking that cowl that prevents him from turning his neck.
Also, Precheck has been included in Global Entry since at least 2015.
“How to spend $30 more, for free!”
Why are you trying to tell me how to act with people who are being defensive?!?!?!?!?!?!
You suck Denmark.
You might be correct if not for the fact that Julia Louis-Dreyfus is still very much alive.
What about Luke Cage? Because, I don’t think they’ll be able to find someone as good in the role as Mike Colter.
So you’re saying there’s a chance?
There’s a family down the street from me that just moved here (Pennsylvania) from California. Giant Trump flag in the pickup, but it still has California plates months after moving because they don’t really believe in following the law.
White folx in Texas driving 6000lb trucks modified to roll coal. Nuff said.
What you have to understand about Conservatism is at its core, it is about preserving an in-group protected by the law but not bound by it, and an out-group bound by the law but not protected by it.
Somewhere, in the conspiratorial part of my mind, the DA is a cyclist, or is close to someone who rides regularly.
We have here the crossing of 3 things
He's identifying the client's class in the hierarchy.
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Rolling coal when a person is in the vicinity and when the individual rolling coal intentionally or knowingly causes that excess exhaust to contact that bystander is AT A MINIMUM an assault. They are causing their vehicle to “spit” on a living, breathing, human being that is worthy of dignity and not having his or her…
My client is a young man in high school with college aspirations.