
Yeah, I’m kind of in awe of people my age who *don’t* need to exercise to be able to do routine manual labor like that. I did a full brake and rotor job without power tools on our car and I was pretty beat up for a while afterwards. All I could think about was how much worse it would feel if I wasn’t in good shape.

Interesting about this. It used to be that Female Tennis players were strongly discouraged from weight training with any amount of weight. It was felt they would “get too bulky” the classic fear of so many woman. This was so ingrained it existed in the upper echelons of the sporting world for decades.

This is like double or even triple true if you’re over the age of 30. Getting and staying strong means there’s not much I could do at 27 that I can’t also do at 37 (and maybe even more, in some cases). The difference is now I have to be much more *intentional* about everything I do. But it would be all but impossible

I hate this. I’ve played Assassin’s Creed since Altair because the story was engaging and the gameplay was fun. I stuck with this series over the years because more and more games shifted to online play as primary play and playing online sucks because of trolls, cheaters, etc. Just let those of us who want to play a

This sounds like the nail in the coffin this franchise needs.

When you visit a new gym, go by feel. If you could do eight reps on the 55 pin at your old gym, find a weight where you can do eight reps on the new machine.

Removing the guns from their locked case should require a publicly available written report.

Law enforcement continues to shit their pants any time someone does something even vaguely threatening.

Doctors are really good at what they're trained to do. Most are not trained in exercise science or nutrition. The amount of MDs who know Jack all about nutrition or exercise is huge. It's rather annoying. 

Body bag or isolation cube Pregnant Woman? Makes no difference to me

ask it about it’s day, how is it feeling? try not to interject.

We’re like a family...”

the liberal fake news is coming out with a hit piece about my teenage years. This is why good people avoid running for office. I won’t back down, Swamp!

When I was 13, I had a 17 year old guy pursuing me. It never went beyond 2nd base, but the pressure to fuck was there constantly.

The whole system is irredeemably corrupt.

I vociferously oppose gun control and I appreciate your openness is at least having the discussion with people.

Unfortunately, I’m 6'4", so my only options for pronouns are FeeFie/FoeFum.

As a lady at the gym I honestly don’t care how much you lift. Just please return your equipment to it’s proper place, wipe everything down, don’t hog the equipment especially if you’re not actually using it. And leave me the heck alone!

Also guys, those ladies in the gym that you haven’t met yet are going to be LESS impressed by your pulled muscles from trying to lift too much, not MORE.