
macOS has support case sensitive and case insensitive file systems for quite a while. I’m still on Catalina, but my OS drive is a case insensitive APFS volume (seemingly by default). This is problematic for some people, especially those who might be looking at source code. I find that many open source projects rely on

Do you breathe air? If so you’re contributing to the ability of Elon Musk to live because your CO2 is converted to oxygen by trees and Elon Musk breathes oxygen so you therefore have no right to comment on the situation.

What branch is that deposit box at again?

Worst Thanksgiving related trip I ever took was the Sunday after Thanksgiving 2008 when I drove back to college from Westchester, NY. Normally takes 4 hours and it took 12. Bumper to bumper the. whole. way.

My general approach to OTC painkillers is: don't unless absolutely necessary. If you have pain, hiding the pain is probably not the solution. Fix the problem causing the pain. Obviously, work around it if possible.

Did you just not notice torn tendons?

Well, I was being reductive on purpose.

If you have to ask....they aren’t.

The Fibonacci sequence is defined as F0 = 0, F1=1 with the actual algorithm for subsequent values as Fn = F(n-1) + F(n-2). Why can’t this be similarly defined?

It looks like a sequence of the cubes of the natural numbers.

My worst incident on the bike was weirdly with some pedestrians simply ignoring that I was traveling down the road. They walked directly in front of me. I had to yell for them to move as I swerved and slammed both front and rear brakes. I was so anal about staying all the way into the shoulder whenever possible that I

I always dump my protein into another container because the plastic zipper on the bag always fails. I’ve gotten quite good at pouring slowly enough that when the scoop comes out, I can stop, extract it, and then continue. I do also keep the previous bag’s scoop until I’ve successfully located the new scoop.

What about ensure vs insure.... People mess this up all the time and it grinds my gears.

Is that Adam Baldwin

Ya but she's got really Big Balls

As someone with a history of athlete's foot, yes, wash your feet.

Who says these Bros actually know how to fight at all? Bravado only gets you so far. In this case, probably as far as the floor.

He's always seemed like a top notch person to me.

Joke’s on you I don’t have one. Wait a minute, joke’s on me. Shit.

TL;DR, if you don’t have some reason to NOT brace, you should brace and if you have a reason not to brace, you probably shouldn’t be doing things that require you to brace.