
Agreed. However, I respect the need to protect the masses from themselves.

That’s a fair point

Yea, I left out some commas that were clearly necessary. I'm wary to do anything crazy on mobile links. What you're saying is what I meant to portray.

If they have physical access to your phone, you have bigger problems.

While I agree that Authy is better, this is fear mongering over nothing. The screenshot would have to be shared with a malicious actor who had the username and password within 30 seconds (at most) of the screenshot. A better suggestion is just don’t leave your phone unlocked. Come on guys, try harder. How about an

Or that.

If you boil the alcohol by heating the vodka to above alcohol’s boiling point but below water’s and then capture the resulting vapor....it’ll be closer to 100% pure. Sure, starting with a higher proof will yield more alcohol but vodka has less stuff in it (right?) so there are fewer variables. Maybe I’m missing

I guess if you had to, you could hear vodka to between 173 and 212 to extract the alcohol and then you’d have pure alcohol vapor and a bucket of water. If you capture the vapor, you could make the proper mix by doing 6:4 with some substrate. But still, hard to get right.

I don't think Joe Biden could *remember* the words "universal birth control" let alone utter them.

Not far off.

I sort of did some stockpiling this past weekend. But I mostly bought food. I have enough TP and bullets and soap and water already.

Exactly what I'm hoping for. How else do I become internet famous? I have no skills or endearing personality qualities...

The correct answer is tailgating the shit of people and finally snapping and flying up the shoulder at 60 mph. Fucking obviously.

Which vodka are you using that's 120 proof?

Yea I can do it without the camera I’m just saying those things make it laughably easy

The lame answer to this problem is “backup camera” or “hot hatch” or “both”

I second this entire article.

What is this, Farscape?

I got my Enhanced license in NY recently and it was a breeze. Also I live in North Bumfuck so the DMV line was 4 people.

I have solved this in the past with a travel router and a request that my room have an Ethernet port. Doesn't always work. Essentially, the hotel is either not protecting the Ethernet ports by requesting you accept ToC ir you do but it's based on the MAC of the router and not your browsing device. Once the router is