
Is it just VW that charges extra for colors that srnet white, black, red, gray, or white?

Yea, dentist always asks why I’m not flossing more and I just hold up my meathooks and say “these don’t fit”

She’s had more relationships and sexual partners than I have so....more power to her.

It’s all through the town and I think they change contracts every year so it’s a different company every year.

Yea, but last year that explicitly did recycle them. I think the town changed waste management companies.

My refuse pickup requires that we put styrofoam in the trash not recycling and the drop off location that accepts it is open for 1 hour on alternate Tuesdays. I’m being hyperbolic to make my point but needless to say, it’s wildly inconvenient. They’ve also recently started requiring toilet paper and paper towel tubes

Because Jesus wasn’t actually black but a middle eastern guy? Would it have made a difference in her response? No

The best part about art like that is that it fails to take into account that Jesus was a short middle eastern guy.

A fuckin’ plus trolling

I recently had to put on a suit after powerlifting for 2 years. I went to tie my shoes and couldn’t because of squat thighs. I had to ask my wife for help and then go buy new pants the next weekend. Got a few pairs of Express Stretch+ 365 Comfort Slims. Still tight but the stretch lets me move around without feeling

I have the luxury of my gym being my basement so sweaty clothes come off my body and straight into the washing machine. Yea, they sit there for a few days but away from all the people.

I have the luxury of my gym being my basement so sweaty clothes come off my body and straight into the washing

I find porn where the woman is uncomfortable to be an immediate turn off.

It’s boring is what it is. My wife and I have watched two episodes because Netflix stuck it in our faces and I’m “meh” at best.

This guy is a douche. He’s also wrong. This may be met with derision, but if you love a person, their body is extraordinary because it’s theirs, age notwithstanding. If it matters, I’m a 30 year old cis hetero white guy.

If I were the customer in the SS story, I would have walked out of the dealership and gone somewhere else. That behavior seems violently predatory.

A relative of mine actually asked me what universe I was living in when I stated that I hadn't seen any of The Marvelous Mrs Maisel. I shrugged and asked why he was yelling.

It’s a Michael Douglas / Alan Arkin vehicle that I, after watching 2 episodes, can say is meh at best. It’s just two old white guys being old.

It's manipulative. It's equivalent to weight loss teas.

Yea, fuck this particular aspect of our culture.