
I’ve got a better hack. Don’t use them because it looks like you broke your headphones and are lying to me about listening to music.

Yea....go away

Had to read twice. First time through, I thought those were real drug names.

I’m sorry that men like this exist.

If you want your correspondence to be confidential you have to use something encrypted end to end like Signal. Or PGP encrypt your email and safe guard that key like it’s your life. Or just go talk to the person face to face away from electronics. Then it’s encrypted by your mind.

Yep. The one time I had to merge too quickly in front of a truck or rear end someone I was terrified. The truck driver was not pleased.

This is a good rule that I think overlaps with my rule.

Not the actual side of the truck, but to have air after the truck’s side in the mirror. I described it poorly before. The point was to have the whole truck and then some in the mirror before merging in front of it.

My rule (and what I was taught in driver’s ed 15 years ago) is wait until you can see the whole truck, meaning both headlights and the side farthest from you, in your rearview mirror before merging.

He’ll need quite a demon of a lawyer.

Honey mustard chicken. Equal parts grey poupon mustard and honey. Two small bottles of each mixed. Charcoal grill, nice and hot. One parted chicken. Flip and baste every minute until you’re out of mixture. Fucking amazing.

If you value encrypted messaging, you're not using WhatsApp for Facebook reasons. You're using Signal.

My reply to this thread:

Prachi, are you listening to my lunchtime conversations and then writing articles about them?

You’re only supposed to beat the shit out of someone if there isn’t a security camera pointed right at you. Obviously.

Sure, but why would they just believe him.

That’s still fucked up. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely believe you that this happened and does happen. I managed to never be involved in any dating scene yet still meet and marry a woman so I have no idea what kind of bullshit online dating / meeting people in a bar dating is like.

For what though? As I said in my reply to kingwolf, how could they ban someone for something when there is no evidence and then not ban someone when there IS evidence (dick pick)?

Wouldn’t the service on which the alleged things took place have a record of those things never taking place? I’m just baffled by how such a lie could be believed. Fuck that noise.

I was made to try them as a teenager and never past the bit where they show you how to put them in and take them out. Fuck right off with this “stick yourself in the eye twice daily” nonsense.