
Lol, I have a laughable amount of battery backs. My colleague asked me if I had any advice on batteries and I nearly pulled out a binder.

How many times do we have to get this wrong? Jesus tap dancing Christ, learn how to safely own a gun or don’t own a gun. Like, holy fucking shit seriously stop fucking this up.

I have been struggling to watch this show. I haven’t even started season 7.

I saw A Quiet Place yesterday afternoon between binges of Brooklyn Nine Nine (it’s stupid but it makes me laugh) and the finale of Counterpart.

I’m not panicking. The NRA sucks.

Good. This is good.

Samesies. It’s exhilarating but wildly unnecessary.

That and look how well that armed resistance in Oregon worked out.

Yep. I’m a gun owner. I’m all for reasonable gun control. I’m under no illusions that I’m going to fight the government with my ranch rifle and hand guns.

Shut up when you’re right.

Shut up when you’re right.

It’s a five port switch and it only needs one for uplink. Where’d you get “three extra ports” from?

It’s a five port switch and it only needs one for uplink. Where’d you get “three extra ports” from?

Holy Hannah....I’m preparing to be disgusted. I’m glad this happened, I’m sorry it had to.

Yea, this guy has it right. I read the NY Times article about this. At the end, he says



Google offers 0% interest financing. I know it’s not exactly the same but it’s pretty damn close.

Thanks for the heads up.

I mean, I see your point. It’s the same argument over the difference between porn and safe prostitution. Legally, the leaked photos were a crime because someone accessed her account without her permission. Morally, regardless of the law, there is a difference between you seeing someone naked because they want you to

This is the sort of analysis we need. Even though it mostly boils down to “he sounds like a terrible asshole because he’s a terrible asshole.” All I really need to do is direct you to his deadlift form.

Yea, I have a 980 and am getting 30-60 FPS depending on the game. I have a somewhat irrational hatred of console gaming. I’ve played games on PC (MASTER RACE) my whole life and never had a console so....

Yea, I have a 980 and am getting 30-60 FPS depending on the game. I have a somewhat irrational hatred of console

I replaced a 680 with a 980 when it came out and I’m still using it. I run modern games at max or near max settings without issues. I get between 30 and 60 fps most of the time. I probably won’t upgrade for at least another generation of cards.

I replaced a 680 with a 980 when it came out and I’m still using it. I run modern games at max or near max settings