Lol no, just pointing out that not being able to do one pull up is less bad than not being able to do one chin up. Both are bad.
Lol no, just pointing out that not being able to do one pull up is less bad than not being able to do one chin up. Both are bad.
For what it’s worth, the Renault guy demoed chin ups while Matt did pull ups. Chin ups are easier because more muscles are involved. Pull ups are almost entirely a back excersize, utilizing a lot of forearm muscles for grip strength. Chin ups get to use the bicep instead of the forearm for stability so it’s way easier…
I would generally agree but where is that coming from?
Many of my coworkers are Hispanic. They know I speak enough Spanish to get the idea. Which makes things even funnier when they are having really vulgar conversations with me and other senior peeps in the room. I will sometimes say “that’s gross” just to trip them up. We all laugh about it.
I got you fam. I don’t have kids but nobody is hurting my wife while there’s breath in my body. Problem is at this point, all my friends tell me they’re coming to my house if the world ends. Which means I have to share my guns I guess.
There’s ~2000 people in my town. Nearest city is CT but I live in NYS. Nearest city in NYS is 30 miles south. Nearest major city in NYS is 65 miles south.
I did this when I bought a house in 2014. Generates a fair amount of juice but SolarCity fucked my roof up. Just be wary.
Weird, I live in a pretty small town and I’ve been using this service for like 2 years.
I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic.
I know, it was a metaphor for learning how to use your gear before you need to use it.
If it can dent a skull it’ll do.
Yes they can. So can a lot of other things. That’s what all the training is for.
Well, that’s your right. I’ve chosen to get very comfortable and capable with guns and I’m prepared to do it properly and responsibly.
Well, actually what I said was that she should have something with which to defend herself and that I understand her not wanting a gun in the house.
You’re not wrong, but I’d rather have a way to defend myself and not need it than the other way around.
I’m with you. I direct you to my post history on every article about guns.
Wow this is a pretty good list. Only comment: I know you said no gun, but I would recommend some way to defend yourself. Human decency goes right out the window when someone is starving. If you are walking to West Virginia, you will run into desperate people. Guns can be put in safes where kids can’t get in, but if…
I always assume I’m going to be stranded so I pack like 3 extra days worth of socks and underwear. Last time I went on a 2 day / 1 night business trip, I brought enough clothes for 4 days plus gym clothes and an extra pair of shoes.
I know my cats love us because they curl up on top of us for no reason. One of our cats literally digs his way under my wife’s arm and goes to sleep. While we are watching TV. Like we’re awake. My other cat spends lots of time rubbing his face on my beard. Then he purrs for about 37 hours.
Every car I drove that was manual seemed to have the worst speed range per gear. The tops of the ranges were always just too slow for a given speed limit. To be travelling at a reasonable speed I would have let the engine run at like 4500 rpms or upshift.