
Like Charles Pierce observes from time to time, the anthem of these awful people is the same as Stalin's—Ni Shagu Nazad. Not One Step Backwards. They will press on, always. You can never stop resisting these efforts.

No need to even make up new penalties. Tampering with the evidence of a crime is already a crime in and of itself, it just needs to be clarified and enforced with regards to police camera footage.

At this point, body cameras are sort of the least of our problems. Of course every police officer should wear one at all times. Anyone who argues otherwise is just plain evil or stupid and probably both.

The false and ghastly notion that we are any different than our predecessors is exactly what reactionaries want you to think. They want to recapture an idealized past that never existed, and half of that equation is making people too arrogant and ignorant to see they're doing the same thing as their parents and

The way I was raised is absolutely how I want to raise my future children: every mistake is a learning experience. Every mistake is an opportunity to teach responsibility. If I messed up, I had to suffer the consequences and/or try to fix it. That wasn't something my parents did for me (though I know plenty of other

When white Americans in particular behave like that, I think it's a matter of refusing to come to terms with themselves and with history. A lot of ignored is bound up in not just their own personal pride, but also their identity and worldview. It's incredibly difficult to dislodge something like that.

Christ, some people don't just have issues, they don't even realize how hopeless they are.

Quite. As if two wrongs make a right, or a relatively minuscule quantity of evil somehow counterbalances a whole metric fuckton of institutionalized human misery.

Ben Carson is going to wake up one day thinking it's 1987 and be appalled at what he'd done while sleepwalking for the last 30 years.

I take exception to that. Blame the media, they own this nonsense.

God forbid people actually point out how freaking racist it is to pretend racism never existed. Because that makes you either a gullible perpetually-offended-over-nothing liberal or one of "those people" who just go off for "no good reason" on people who "aren't racist…"

Hoo boy, just wait until she starts talking about feminism, too. If she weren't so perfectly impervious to other viewpoints and basic human empathy, her weird little stereotypes and misconceptions would be fairly easy to correct with five minutes of explanation and honest dialogue. Her worldview is that basic.

Sometimes speaking out is the only thing that keeps me sane. I have the luxury to not be subjected to race unless I'm confronted with someone being racist. Even then, it sometimes carries this feeling—hey, you stood up for some black people being heckled on the bus, what do you want, a freaking cookie?—because I'm

When I try to explain this to these people (perhaps in the vain hope that they'll listen to me because I'm white), they just look at me like I'm naïve and ask if I've been brainwashed, as if pointing out actual history is the same as reciting praises to the Dear Leader in some 1984-esque dystopia. They think they're

Spending money on stupid bullshit is part of the human condition. Different subcultures simply prefer to spend it on different things.

Let's not forget the lizard-brain appeal of authoritarianism, particularly for people who have no intention to self-reflect or come to terms with their own lies and misconceptions at any point in their lives.

I just loved the look of Harlem's Paradise, the 1940's Art Deco/jazz aesthetic is as stylish now as it was then. Truly timeless.

It should also be noted that Stop and Frisk did absolutely jack shit to the affect the crime rate, at all. Kevin Drum has the charts to prove it. So not only is it racist and unconstitutional, it's ineffective.

I did notice he kept picking out the same wine bottle, and the 'member berries ARE fashioned like grapes instead of any other kind of berries, which rings too contrived to be mere coincidence to me.

In case anyone was wondering, white people absolutely do the "plausible deniability to the nth degree" thing when they aren't in "mixed company," and they're offended when you call them out on it. As a wise man once said, "the word 'Racist' is like the N-word for white people." And only other white people can use it