Sugar Bear

It’s all because you’re so goddamn whiny about it, Drew.

Wait, why am I supposed to dislike this?

The classical music world has more ossified patriarchy and sexism than just about any other subculture I can think of. It’s worse than pro football. Worse than NASCAR. It’s really awful. Just google James Levine (for example).

SAME. Cut the cable this year, and have been surprised by how litte I miss it.


Not bizarre at all. Many of us cannot and will not listen to the orange nightmare’s voice.

Medieval solutions: I hear maces and morningstars are excellent crowd-control devices. Or, perhaps, mercenary knights for those long stretches of hard-to-patrol border?

......Yes. That’s the point! Such as it is. You all so young. I’m so old.

Ashamed to admit that my takeaway from this was, “You started college in 2008?!??!?” Couldn’t concentrate after that. I kept thinking I’d need to grade it at the end.

One major facet the article fails to address is the truth that elected chiefs are political actors

I believe the truck chase in Raiders was actually filmed entirely by the second-unit director.

Have you...ever seen actual English handwriting? Print or cursive?

“Dimensionalize” is a crammed-together word for blithely ignorant toadies.

“He has the ability to finish. And that’s what we will work on as a football team, as a coaching staff, everyone involved in our program. We want to finish well. We wanna finish games well, we wanna finish academics well ... and we wanna finish well as husbands, fathers, and followers of our lord and savior Jesus

Punching walls is not a good sign. Nor is humblebragging about how strong you are. If you’re this angry, maybe seek therapy?

Also fell asleep. Why is Eddie Redmayne’s mouth shaped like that?

she said she would “give it a long, hard thought of consideration.”

Don’t you dare forget Martin Mull!

“220...221...whatever it takes.”

Premise is dumb. Movie is the funniest thing ever.