People who are plus-size, healthy, and hot, hot, hot: Ashley Graham, my girlfriend.
People who are plus-size, healthy, and hot, hot, hot: Ashley Graham, my girlfriend.
Jesus. I have big hands. I never realized.
I think you missed my point, bro.
So, let me get this straight. You’ve read this post about a small but traumatic incident that reveals something about human selfishness and you decided to respond by getting into a flame war about how all Americans are fat?
This is great news! First in those two important categories, of course; I would also note that, as a Baltimore resident, I’ve been pretty impressed lately with the way the Pratt Library is run.
This is a truly sophisticated line of argumentation you’re pursuing.
You seem to have missed his point: i.e. that Deadspin and its commenters are as free to call the Yankees out as the Yankees are to institute their rich-people-only policy. Btw, we are also free to call you an asshat.
nacho cheese golem
Shouldn’t the Pistons have wanted that possible lottery pick more than the two players?
Also “drop.” Also “bougie.” Also “shade.” Also “this” for “I agree with you.” Also the locution “because [reason].”
He might be in that pink cloud. Quite possibly a mistake to shout it from the mountaintops, as it were, but let’s hope he keeps working the steps regardless.
THE FLEECE BLANKET. My cat is also neutered but has decided the fleece blanket is the one for him. It’s pathetic and hilarious when he starts dragging himself all over it, making these confused yet passionate mewling noises. What is this I’m feeling, human?!?
Kent Easter and Ava Everheart (who then went by Jill Easter)
Huh. Basketbloggers annoyed? Intolerant? Just woke up on wrong side of bed?
Your solution is not a free market one. Do it right next time, geez!
A particular gem: “we live in a free market society. The wealthy working people have earned their right to live in the city. They went out, got an education, work hard, and earned it”
YES. This is a bad sentence. Both grating to the ear and unintelligible.
I have the same questions about “drop” and “bougie.”
O for fuck’s sake. How hard is it to understand that the questions themselves are driven by “beliefs [and] cultural norms”? Scientists and their work don’t inhabit some sort of pure platonic domain separate from those norms.
Scientific inquiries are driven by acculturated assumptions, just like every other human activity. Numbers being involved doesn’t obviate this.