
Your argument isn't making any sense. The ("say it with me") substantial slowdown that you refer to corresponds to 3 out of the 5 existing books! You are making a rather bizarre argument in saying that the majority of the existing books somehow don't count in establishing a precedent for the man's writing pace, but

Yeah, apparently numbers are pretty hard for you.

Sorry, but that kind of math only works if you only count half the books and don't count the time that it took to write the first book. He started writing the first book in 1991. You can't start counting from the time the first book was published and then totally discount the most recent books just because they don't

It is pretty silly to base your expectations on his "claims", when there is the undisputed historical fact that he has taken roughly 5 years to write each book so far. Like I said, he's been writing at this same pace for 20 years, so there is no reason to expect that he would magically be able to write faster now. If

"…finding excuses not to write."
This attitude has gotten pretty annoying. The guy has been writing these books at the same pace for 20 years. The TV show comes along and all of the sudden people expect him to increase the pace of his writing by an order of magnitude.How unrealistic that is should be obvious to anyone

Yeah. How embarrassing.

Jesus, did Jimmy Fallon write this crap? What a bunch of corny goofballs.

Fallon makes Jay Leno look like Sam Kinison.

Having Ted Cruz do Simpsons impressions seems like the kind of stupid bullshit that Jimmy Fallon would do. I bet he's kicking himself that he didn't think of it first.

God what a freaking pansy. Typical wannabe-military type who acts like a tough guy and then throws a toddler fit when something happens that he doesn't like. Grow a pair. And we're supposed to believe he would last a freaking second in a warzone? Oh, that's right, he's not a real soldier, he just plays one on TV.

I know that the format itself is a great hook, but I'll be a little surprised if the future seasons generate as much interest after how hugely disappointing the end of the first season was. The end of the first season mostly made me wish that I'd never become so invested in the story or wasted so much time listening