
Remember boys and girls, big government knows best! Don't disagree with me—you elected the current administration.

Um, not so much, actually. Democrats love big government programs. Democrats love the government telling people what to do. Democrats think the government knows better what you should do than you do.

Other countries profile. It works.

@ttk2 Reasons it will fail:

I should have sald "_when_ the few merchants who currently accept it stop accepting it". A year from now, a bunch of BitCoin users are going to have a lot of bits, but no real coins.

If Apple's cloud Vision Thing in any way makes me have to interact with iTunes to use it, then no thanks. iTunes is truly a disaster of interface design, bloat, and sluggishness.

@ttk2: Gee, let's see if I can make this simple. What currency do you think is more likely to stop being accepted? A) The Dollar B) BitCoin

To what ends? Gee, if the bum on the corner flips me off, I'm sure not handing him a fiver to go buy some Mad Dog.

What gives money value is people being willing to accept it in exchange for goods and services, whether that is gold, a computer, or getting your lawn mowed.

If your wine glasses are dishwasher-safe, they should be so cheap that you don't care if they break.

How about the military stick to doing what it is supposed to do—protecting our country and training/utilizing soldiers for that task.

@kkozinski: actually, much like police dogs, the dogs that the armed forces use are usually assigned to one or two handlers. They bond to those handlers and obey them over anybody else. By identifying the dog, it is a very tiny step to identifying the handlers.

Shame on the AP and Gizmodo for publishing details which could potentially lead to the identities of the SEAL team members (such as the dog's name). We know you guys like to make your money from ad dollars, but seriously—there is some stuff you should just have the decency not to report.

Sorry, On-oN—I don't feel like donning a haz-mat suit when I accidentally break a CFL. CFLs are HORRIBLE for the environment. Do some searching about what's in them.

Nope—this is Hope and Change in action.

The problem with filming those lunches is the $2,000,000 of our tax dollars they are wasting. $2MM, seriously? You're telling me you couldn't walk into a lunchroom a couple of times, look around and see what is being sold/eaten, and come up with the same conclusions the $2,000,000 study is going to come up with?

Note what I wrote above about the quoted lifespans of LED bulbs. They do NOT last as long as advertised.

The problem is that all the quoted lifetimes for CFLs and LEDs assume they are turned on and always left on. Their lifetime is much shorter than the quoted numbers when they are constantly turned on/off in the real world as opposed to the Al Gore fantasyland.

Thank you, big government! Thank you! Thank you for telling me how to best live my life.

They're either pingpong balls or golf balls, neither of which are made out of cotton.