
Indeed, but the treehuggers don't like that either.

Shouldn't the headline be "San Francisco giving remote-polluting charges to tree-hugging electric car owners at taxpayer expense despite California and San Francisco's huge budget deficits"?

...or you could just watch the movie "Pushing Tin".

When will Gizmodo's fanboi-ism stop?

"the world's _faster_ computer in 1985"? Amazing! I had no idea there were only TWO whole computers in 1985, with one being, well, you know, fast, and the other one, obviously, faster.

If they don't listen to it, and they don't give a way for us to rate the quality of the translation (or to improve the translation like they let people do with translate.google.com's translations of foreign-language websites), how does it help them improve text-to-speech?

Boy, Apple better hurry up and wipe Safari from iPhones around the world, as Safari can be used to search for, access, and download illegal/pirated content.

Speaking of which...whatever happened to that dumb-azz idea for a social media app that let those around you look at your photos? What was it...'Color'?

I watched the fire/safety crew guy in red kindof saunter toward the car, ignoring the driver. I saw the driver in obvious discomfort. I saw a guy in black who looked like he kindof didn't know what to do and half-heartedly motioned to the driver to roll. I then saw another driver come up and actively try to help

You're kidding, right? First fire/safety crew member out of a truck with a fire extinguisher in hand kindof walked and then broke into almost a trot (should have come out of the truck in a dead run) and headed first to the car instead of getting a quick burst onto the driver.

You realize they aren't, right? Look at the green background as the curve of the scanned certificate fades off. Why doesn't the green background curve and fade off too?

Yeah...I was being serious about him having an edited receipt. LOL

I believe he was born in the U.S. I believe the PDF of his birth certificate on whitehouse.gov originated with his real birth certificate, but then was stupidly enhanced/edited by overzealous staffers trying to make sure that the dates/signatures were clearly visible. The green background of it was obviously added.

I wonder if I take an iPad into a store with a receipt that has been manipulated like this if they'll give me a refund:

2 years from now, he will release the receipt, but the price, serial number, apple logo, and other information on the released receipt will all be separate layers. People who know better will know it isn't a real scan of a receipt and that it has been digitally enhanced and heavily edited (even if it was originally a

Actually, Duffin, Israel is a great example of how profiling works, and they do NOT merely use behavioral profiling. They also take physical characteristics such as skin color, age, race if known, sex, etc. into account. They constantly modify their profiling to keep up with the changing tactics of would-be

That's my take on it. Frisk me if you want to; flying is a privilege, not a right. Don't waste time frisking my grandma or my friend's 2-year-old girl. Keep a database with statistics on those behind previous air attacks and focus most of your attention on those who match that profile.

Well, that's certainly a reasoned and well thought out response. You win.