
So were the original windows 500 lbs., as the first paragraph in the article said, or half a ton, as a later paragraph in the article said? Sounds like Sam needs to brush up on his math a little bit. :)

Um, link, reference, anything? Is this yet another failing of the new Gizmodo/Gawker format, or did you just forget to tell us where these things have been mentioned or are available, Sam?

Funny...I don't seem to remember there needing to be any articles telling people how to view the old version of Gawker sites.

I'm using the 'classic view', and it is still incredibly wonky. I'm running Chrome under Vista and Firefox under Linux. Under both, the site is terribly sluggish (even on modern multicore hardware with plenty of RAM), ads constantly zoom out and cover up content, and nothing is intuitive.

Mobile phones currently seem to be about the only thing which is suitable to use to look at Gizmodo. I strongly recommend trying [m.gizmodo.com] in your browser—it is far more useful than the 'new and improved' failfest of a format.

@usedtowork: No, that's the point of the article. Apple is saying that if content is available for an app for purchase outside of the app (such as in the Kindle store on Amazon's website) that that same content must be able to be purchased through the app itself. The only purchasing method Apple allows in apps is

Same tribe as last year.

Amazon should just say no. An awful lot of people use their iPads for reading Kindle books. When they find out that Apple is screwing them over, and when they realize that new tablets like Motorola's Xoom don't try to micro-control them...well, you figure out what they'll do.

Right...the bleeding heart liberals at NBC cream themselves over Julian Assange and WikiLeaks even though some of the material he released put real lives in danger. But, tiny leak amuses some of us on the Internet and embarrasses the talking heads at NBC, and nooooo....that's bad....must fire the bad leaker!

@zegota: Very good point. It would be interesting to hear iCoders' response on that.

Maybe someone at Wolfire should have read the terms of the GPL before they released their source code under it.


Seriously, you didn't mention "Phreaking"?!? Kevin Mitnick is not happy.

@id8: Not Democrats. Not Republicans. Vote Libertarian if you are serious about wanting to see this legal.

Meh. Got my dad a Snake Slayer derringer from Bond Arms in good ol' Granbury, TX a couple of years ago. It holds 2 .410 shotgun shells or 2 .45 bullets. Oh, and it is about the size of the palm of your hand and easily fits in a pocket. I'll take that over the heavy beast of a revolver any day.

I'm sure glad the U.S. isn't like Egypt. President Obama doesn't want an Internet "kill switch". Oh wait.

@UgoBogdan: Obama is too busy wanting the federal government to run healthcare to worry about little things like TSA fock-ups.

Or, you could just get the hell out of the way.

#1 break through inadequate Gawker security and steal account information?