
Shouldn't it be named WTF instead of WFF? I'm sure that's the first thing we all thought.

@Odin: Apple could get its fanboys to use it if they called it "iPing" and slapped a ridiculously overpriced pricetag on it.

Apple's what? Ping? I thought that had gone the way of Google Wave already. Oh, not yet? Give it a little longer.

Gee, one thing I can think of that is more dangerous than talking on a mobile phone while driving is TAKING A FREAKING PICTURE WHILE DRIVING.

So at max downstream bandwidth, you can blow through your 5 GB in 56.8 minutes.

Are any of us surprised at how inept, incompetent, and useless a government agency is? But hey, the majority of you seem to love liberals and the Obama agenda, so I can't wait until we get government health care! I'm sure that will work out just fine.

snoHOmish county you say?

Um, no, Google doesn't need to do any negotiating. This is nothing more than a computer with a browser. All Google needs to do is give users the option of changing the browser user agent id string which is passed to the HTTP server when requesting streaming media.

@B@tM@n: Sorry—I'm a fellow iPhone owner, but I can't convince you to stick with Apple. I'm fed up with Apple's overpriced hardware, their closed systems, and Steve Job's ego. My next phone will be Android-based.

@clobclark: Where do the kids get the money to buy these meals? Maybe we should imprison parents who let their children engage in such harmful activities as eating Happy Meals.

@AqueousBeef: Poor people don't have time to teach nutrition? Are you kidding? Poor people seem to have a lot more time on their hands than those of us who are working our azzes off trying to make a living (despite being over-taxed).

@AqueousBeef: I know a book you would like: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Read it—you probably would not sympathize with the protagonists in it.

@AqueousBeef: I'm glad you can determine what is poison for our children. Will you also determine what is poisonous to their minds?

@Montauk Joint: You're absolutely right. Grocery stores should make sure that any woman of child-bearing age who buys Cap'n Crunch signs an affidavit asserting that she has no children. Oh, and gay couples who have adopted children should have to sign the same affidavit.

@smertlagel: Ding ding ding. We have a winner. Apple's closed systems and over-priced hardware should remind us all of Big Iron's (err..IBM's) mainframe days of glory.

What's next? Cap'n Crunch? Try to find the nutritional value in that. Chocolate milk? Yep, high sugar AND high fat. Cocoa Puffs? For god's sake, they're high sugar and you're about to pour high fat milk full of human growth hormone over them. Ban 'em!

@Undead Ponies: You, sir, sound like a Libertarian/Tea Partier. I'm sure Gawker would like to see you burned at the stake.

@AqueousBeef: You're right. We better control what you see on the internet too. What? You saw a nip slip? Ban that site! Wait—how are we going to do that? Oh, no worries—China has got that technology down. We'll just ask them.

@peachidiot: Damn, you're right. How much do you weigh again? What's your cholesterol? What? You're a little above average? Well we the government have the solution for you! We're going to fine you unless you're on a treadmill 2 hours a day for the next year. Oh, and you better be eating some soylent

@ScottCWaring: Seriously—if you get the munchies and want a trippy toy too, what the hell are you supposed to do if you can't pig out on happy meals?