
Oh, and while I'm on this topic. I'm sorry, but 1.6 gallons per flush just does not cut it for the jiznerdo. I know the treehuggers out there thought that banning high GPF toilets was good for the environment, but I'm pretty sure that by the time I'm 4 1.6 GPF flushes in, it isn't good for the environment.

What?!? Next thing you'll tell me is that the Dems in the federal government passed a bill mandating efficiency standards for lightbulbs which effectively will ban incandescent bulbs and force us all to use heavy-metal-containing-poisonous CFLs.

@Bombos: You're right, but I'm still not buying in unless I can get some carbon credits with it. I want to make sure we don't all die from global cooling...errr...global warming....errr...climate change. Well fuck it—I just want carbon credits. They're just pieces of paper, but they somehow magically help the

@smrtypants44: Agreed. Republicans tend to want to control our lives when it comes to what they consider to be moral things.

Well of course San Francisco banned Happy Meals; San Francisco is a liberal/Democrat stronghold, and liberals/Democrats think they know better what is good for us than we do.

Extra cleaning pods are $4 each?!? I can buy 409, Windex, Fantastik, etc. cheaper than that. Sorry greenies, but you're going to have to compete on price before I'll buy in.

@jepzilla: Yep—the mistake the liberals and most of the news media (and those who believe what they are fed by the news meda) make is in thinking that the economy is a fixed-size pie. They think that if corporations pay less tax, then someone else will have to pay more tax. What they don't realize is that by

@Volanova: In case you haven't noticed, Gawker has been running a very strong pro-liberal set of articles lately, from the O'Donnell hit piece to the Al Jazeera uncorroborated piece about the BP spill causing people to 'pee brown' to the hit piece on Meg Whitman's son.

Oh, there are so many things to refute in this 'article' that I don't even know where to start.

Most likely outcome—people stick gum on, or break off, the USB plugs.

@A.Jaswal: That's my point exactly. This gun had one shell in it. Whether it was semi-automatic or not doesn't matter. In fact, if it indeed were semi-automatic, it probably would have been harder for a 4-year-old to get a shell loaded and get it cocked and ready to go than it would have been if it were, say, a

@csismything: Thanks. You'll like it. I have a Sig p239 40 and enjoy the heck out of shooting it at the range. Sig's quality is great.

Yes, the U.S. dictates what the rest of the world should do, when flying to the U.S., just like the rest of the world dictates when flying to...the rest of the world!

No Gizmodo, the most important part for the success of a sex tape is not the lighting; it's called a razor.

Why the use of the word 'semiautomatic' multiple times in the story? Are you trying to make the big bad gun sound scary?

@Mr C: You have to go through Apple for the reprogramming = $$$$ for Apple, of course.

So does it support full screen video mode for the videos?

Who the hell is that momo in the video when it should be Sasha Grey? Come on Gizmodo, we don't call you Jizzmodo for nothing—you have a reputation to live up to!

Good for Google. The ridiculously high corporate tax rate in the U.S. is causing many companies to move major parts of their operations off-shore (it's not just about labor rates). At least Google is still based here, pumping huge amounts of money into the U.S. economy, even if the greedy government is still getting