
Um Max, do you actually live in Texas? You do realize we have one of the lowest overall tax loads in the country, one of the strongest economies, one of the lowest unemployment rates (particularly when illegals are excluded from the mix, even though the feds aren't doing a lot to help us prevent them from streaming

Sorry, not really a robot surgery unless the robot did it based solely on its programming without humans controlling every movement of the arms and every cut.

Sorry, but all these adjust for is ear-to-ear width, which is already done pretty well by even moderately-priced headphones.

Oh, and in case no one else has pointed it out: that's racist!

Nice—I'm sure the people with windows _above_ the white rooftops will really appreciate the extra light/heat being reflected into their apartments.

@38thsignal: "successful" in that Apple is making _bank_ off of the app store. Now they're ready to get their greedy little fingers into the pockets of developers of real computer apps.

So, the legal way to deal with this would have been to send him through the courts, which would have given him a slap on the wrist and a limited probationary period, after which he would have been deemed to be 'rehabilitated'.

What? Something with a proprietary connection from Apple? Naaaaah....no way!

@QuatlooMillionaire: Search for information on the National Climate Program Act, which Carter signed into law in the late 70s.

Low carbon concrete? Give me a break. Every life form on this planet is high-carbon.

@Ian Logsdon: Here's the problem: you keep talking about the warmest and coldest 'on record'. The problem is, records have only been kept for an infinitesimal amount of time compared to the age of the earth.

In the 70s Carter tried to scare us about global cooling. Lately it has been Gore bleating on about global warming. Oh but wait, now it might be cooling again.

I don't think we should listen to him.

So much for free speech.

@Neimo: I'm loving my S95—I picked it over the LX5 because of size. The Panasonic/Leica is just a bit too big to comfortably fit in a pocket.

Sam—your Gizmodo article says "The new Apple TV will ... beam videos from your own computer ...". However, nothing on the Apple Store's page about the new Apple TV mentions streaming of _videos_ from a local computer. They only mention local streaming of music. Can you confirm this?

@RuckingFetard: I have an iPhone 3G. The shutter speed is slow. Maybe it is faster on the iPhone 4? I haven't heard anyone mention that, however.

Since it is almost impossible to take a single photograph with an iPhone that looks in any way decent due to hand shake/blur, are iPhones going to start coming with an iTripod to allow the necessary multiple photos for HDR? Or, are they just going to 'fake' HDR with software manipulation of an image?

@Les Mikesell: I have the Netflix 3-at-a-time DVD rental package which of course includes Netflix streaming.