
Nearly every Cadillac concept since 2000... and probably before.

This is the ugliest car in the world.

It was more from their tractor division than their Automobili division... and i love it.

i win, next.

I think black or carbon fiber accents really complement the color well.

What do I win?

I found one! Of course it’s a still from All Girls Garage and not from a photo shoot, but you take them where you can get them.

I learned how to drive a stick on that video game. 100% true story.

The Testarossa in the way-too-appropriately named “Hard Drivin,” one of the first polygon-scaling-thingamabob games in history. Here comes the loop, get another dollar ready!

I wish I could just watch some rally racing.

For people outside of Australia, Definitely V8 Supercars

Any of the Trans-Atlantic tunnel concepts floated over the years.

Larry's Truck and Electric, because I like trains


3 on the trees, not weird in their day, but damn they're confusing by today's standards. The first manual I drove (55 Chevy) had this, and I was lost.

9.) Outdated Headlight Regulations

It's probably safer to fly.

Yay! I think it's one of the dumbest things CO ever did. My opinion.

I always ask myself every single time I drive through State Route 99 if we're going to live and not see a second earthquake. Also, there were no shoulders so if you're on the outer lanes, it could be a bit nerve-wracking if you looked down.