
Thanks. I nearly lost in during a business meeting because of you.

That would be completely correct except for the fact that the current justice system is focused around punishment and retribution and not rehabilitation. You can “serve your time”, essentially paying your debt to society as the court has mandated, and your mistakes stay with you forever. And everyone who goes to jail

I’m going to comment on this, against my better judgement, because this is the root of the problem itself. The difference between being black and being gay is apparent for people who don’t tolerate gays. You are just BORN black. There is no helping it. But it’s easy enough to say that being gay is a choice, an evil,

I think the court stay intact for 4 more years, unless something happens to Notorious RBG (may she live to be 200), but if Trump gets re-elected, there should be cause for concern.

Honestly, we just need to call it what it is: The Bannon Presidency. Nothing in Trumps blow-hard blustering indicates to me an intellect that could make the deliberately rational decisions that would so precisely hurt out government and push us into Libertarian paradise. The picks for cabinet have all been informed by


If it makes you feel any better, I think that a Scalia placement isn’t enough right now. I do not believe Kennedy overturns Roe v Wade, to be honest. While he has been willing to consider some restrictions, he has been pretty firm on the undue burden clause. I think our current court, even with a foaming hack

2017, I had such high hopes for you.

I think you might be underestimating the large group that DO know, and think this is the best thing ever. It’s no longer about rule of law or basic courtesy, it’s about literally doing everything to screw Dems that they can, and they love it. And that makes me feel worse than ever. :(

You think it’s to hurt Obama or the ambassadors, but I have a different theory, especially in light of lack of replacements:

You seem to have a complete inability to connect actions with consequence. Our “overwhelming” military might goes after China...and what? Do you think China will bend over before they push the shiny red button? And even if they chose not to irradiate the world, how do they make our things once we’ve bombed their

Aww, so did Rome, big guy. How’d that work out for them?

One where he actually reads the internet and realizes the overwhelming public opinion about Trump in our allies countries is poor. They tend to pay attention to things like the nomination of people to government offices that the nominee has a history of hating, conflicting with, or LITERALLY ATTEMPTING TO ELIMINATE.

Yes you will. China holds substantial US debt and makes a majority of the stuff you buy. It has a 2 million man military and nuclear capabilities. And the government of China literally does not value the lives of individual citizens or individual liberties, so if push came to shove, it would grind us and its own army

Additionally, it wouldn’t even matter if he COULD get a good paying job, or started his own business. He would then end up being liable for the ~5M plus civil penalties, and they would garnish that heavily. He could make 250k a year and he’d basically be making minimum wage for the next 30 years. The fact is, most

1) They control all branches of government. They don’t need a mandate. They have a blank check

I will say that I agree with you. Most Hindi-speaking people I know speak passable to great English, and when they speak to one another, they are more likely to speak in a regional dialect like Tamil or Gujarati. Some Indians I know even tell me that their Hindi isn’t that great, though that’s possibly a bit of an

More than likely the bathroom door was locked, and it’s possible there was no attendant (because they were closed) or the attendant refused to give drunk Americans the key. Ensue kicking down and security intervention.

It is ridiculous because the DNC bylaws REQUIRE them to be impartial. They broke their own rules (and potentially some laws) in order to support one Democrat over another. The DNC should not be in the position of picking who the Democratic nominee should be, that’s the job of the voters.