
The primary was not “rigged”. Bernie raised plenty of money to compete, and he did. Was it ridiculous that the DNC was partisan in it’s support of Hillary? Yes. But the candidate is chosen by a VOTE, not by the DNC, and Hillary won the popular vote. There is nothing else that matters. And the stats showed the Bernie

Honestly, I’d put the javelin right through the back of my own head. So, I’m willing to go easy on her (and bad shit can happen to good athletes any day :))


No, not beanie weenies.

Honestly, there are some maps in which the turret champions just lock things down, and a lack of angles for long distance sniping make it hard to counter. I think there will probably be a review of that as data comes in. The rest is just straight up foolishness and lack of team work.

As a Mercy main, nothing at all attracts Reapers and Tracers like the sight of those wings. They will chase you across all of creation and eternity for that kill.

So you are saying that violence IS more acceptable than sex in terms of appropriateness of viewing? If I gave you a choice of showing your children hardcore porn or ISIS beheadings, you think the beheadings would somehow damage your children LESS?

This is true, but it’s “hidden” the same way that health insurance costs are “hidden”. If my AC Unit breaks or my roof caves in due to wear, I’m only paying for part of that in MY rent, the rest of the cost is defrayed by other renters. This might not be the case with house rental, but the majority of renters live in

To be fair, in this case “pertinent to the subject matter” likely means “applying to be said tutor”. It’s a job posting. It’s fair to say that if you replied to a McDonalds want ad with a small note about the dangers of rainforest depletion due to cattle farming, that would be similarly considered irrelevant.

Honestly, I know businessmen who have bodies like Ryan Gosling in these images, and they aren’t on PEDS and HGH. You can exercise for aesthetics in ways that get you different results than exercising for sheer physicality. And as with many things, genetics plays a big role in how easy or difficult it is to get this

Most american TV series are 22-23 episodes per season?

This is Justice League Unlimited, Season 2, Episode 26, “Epilogue”. JLU is available to watch on Netflix. The entire series is worth it. This episode is 100x worth it, even if you watch just this one.

I agree with this. Gender wasn’t the WHY, but it was the mechanism by which he feel empowered and protected in doing so. Rather than a blatant attempt to keep women down in itself, it was simply exploitation of the system in place that was already doing that work for him.

Came here looking for this. Was not disappointed. Have a star.

Wait, what? Jackie Chan developed that series, he chose the role. His last name IS Chan, and the character in the series is...hunting artifacts. Which makes antiques perfect. It was super lazy of that Chinese native content producer to frame a Chinese character.

actually based on nearly twenty years of procrastination research.

Commence a’jigglin’!

You should have compared them to the ORIGINAL drawings instead. That would have been good for a laugh. So glad they decided to “do over” the series.

Obviously, the reveal was a retcon. It was stated many times in the 80s that each universe (they often use the word “dimension”) had it’s own Sorcerer Supreme. There have even been comics where Dr Strange met and did battle with Sorcerer Supremes from other dimensions. This is certainly a way to “tame” him, since

Honestly, my issue is that I prefer the 80s interpretation of Strange as a nearly cosmic level entity. He is Sorcerer Supreme of this entire reality, and his job isn’t to stop muggers or even alien invaders, but to prevent the encroachment of overwhelmingly powerful magic entities from other realities. It’s why he