Um...yes? That's sort of the literal definition of harassment. "Unwanted" attention.
Um...yes? That's sort of the literal definition of harassment. "Unwanted" attention.
Technically speaking, Mystique ages at a normal rate if she does nothing. However, she has complete cellular control of her body, and can rejuvenate her cells completely. Unlike many shapeshifters, she does not have to focus or concentrate to maintain her form, and doesn't "revert" back to another form. So, she can…
I acknowledge your feelings on this, but I think this view is overly simplistic and not grounded in reality. It ignores the very real gender indoctrination that occurs among boys and girls when it comes to listening and expressing feeling. It's not a switch, it's a process.
Thank you for this. It was actually very informative. It also touched on something that was perhaps on the back of my mind but not quite reached the tip of my tongue.
Except, the game shouldn't ever end. When it does, it hurts consumers. If NVidia uses Gameworks to create a situation where the majority of games run better on their cards because of code optimization and NOT because of superior hardware, then you are significantly stifling innovation. Competition drives improvement,…
You know what, no, I'll address this:
How extremely helpful and insightful this post is. You've solved all the complex gender problems with it's simplicity. You've added so very much to the conversation.
The problem is not anger, or fury. The problem is that there is no and will be no fast solution. Heck, there may never be a total solution. A good portion of the US population espouses traditional Christian patriarchal values, and there is a significant amount of casual misogyny and ingrained 'machismo' that we can't…
Bill Murray is the kind of guy who would give up his dining table if a restaurant accidentally overbooked on your 10th wedding anniversary celebration.
Quick correction: Texas doesn't have basements. We build up, not down, due to soil composition.
I would like to point out that, despite it's reputation, Plano has plenty of healthy, granola eating vegetarians, both of the health conscious kind and the ethnic vegetarian kind. Additionally, there are plenty of Leafs and Prius' on the road here, but since everyone in Plano is rich, we're all buying up Tesla's now.
Very true. Everyone knows that C-level executives tip 8% max, get a better job, schlub.
Just make them quest for affection. After they've killed their 1,397th rabbit and still not managed to harvest 10 good eyes, you'll never have to worry about them again.
It's okay, bro. Software developer here with a similar love of Muppets. And Pixar movies. Embrace it. :)
This is the best thing ever.
I must live in some strange echo chamber, because as a father, I have literally NEVER had a moment where I regretted being a father, and my children aren't even mine biologically. My wife was appalled by the Whispers and by the comments. And believe me, she wasn't clamoring to have children when she did so. She was…
Yeah, but doesn't it piss you off when they hire the less qualified guy because they "want an outsider perspective"? Things don't always work out in this system, no?
I have seen many cases where public job postings were merely necessary HR protocols that managers had to jump through in order to offer the job to an already identified internal candidate. I've worked at places that require all jobs to be posted externally for a minimum amount of time OR a minimum number of qualified…
I don't care what you personally get offended by. I'm not trying to invalidate your feelings. But I personally believe they are harmful to progress. Do you really think that being reactionary to the slightest cultural insensitivity is going to change anything? People aren't going to say "Gosh, DaisyLady is right, I…
You can ALWAYS find someone who will be offended. And likely, small groups that will be vocally offended. But do you honestly think the VAST majority of Native AMericans in this country give a damn about a white girl in OK throwing on a headdress? Do you think that with all the rampant issues Native American…