
I’m sure he might have said some of those things within the privacy of his inner circle, but I so admire him for taking the high road in his speech. Class, compassion, intelligence, and genuine kindness and good humor will be in short supply for the next 4 years, and it’s good for all of us that Obama embodied every

I’m not either. People have said absolutely astounding things to me in the last few months. My office is in a conservative suburb, so people assume I share their shitbag opinions.

Yeah. I get why he had to say it. I’m mostly proud of him for saying it, because that’s his job. It’s what he’s supposed to do. But truth be told we should be pretty clear now that our fellow citizens are not innately good. That doesn’t mean they’re innately evil either. They’re just selfish as fuck, and that in and

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Check out Anthony Atamanuik - he’s brilliant. Here’s a clip, but there’s a ton online worth checking:

Yeah, because guys never assault women they don’t find ideal. I really wish the worst on this asshole.

He went into a church and made it out? God didn’t smite him with a lightning bolt? I’m an atheist now.

This is what JEB! was always talking about. The Bushes know enough about the Republican electorate to understand just how viable crazy bigot can be. The whole point of “compassionate conservatism” was to find a way to avoid getting to the point where that element take control of the party.

If one more person asks why these women are just coming out now, I am going to take a huge period shit in their mouth.